Staff in St. Mary’s Pro- Cathedral are again appealing to people to donate unwanted Christmas gifts for distribution to the homeless. The gifts will be given to Crosscare who will distribute them to people most in need throughout 2011 and use them as Christmas gifts for people who may never receive one, this time next year.
If the appeal is as successful as it has been in previous years, Crosscare will sell the surplus gifts in their “Gifts for Good” shop in Cathedral Street and use the monies raised in their homeless services around Dublin.
Unwanted gifts can be left at the crib in the Pro Cathedral up until January 6th.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Happy Christmas 2010

Happy Christmas in Chinese
Teresa Yi Zhang kindly gave me this wish written in Chinese characters, something I had asked her for.
圣 means Holy, 诞 means Birth, and 快 乐 means rejoice or happiness.
So altogether : 圣诞快乐 means Holy Birth Happy, with the pronunciation being: Sheng Dan Kuai Le.
So the Greek icon below and this Chinese wish both illustrate the universality of what Christmas announces to all people: the Incarnation of God, a great mystery.
Nollaig Shona,
Christmas Celebrations
The paths and roads are cleared, the church building is warm, the crib is up! Looking forward to seeing you.
SaggartFriday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
5.00 pm Children’s Mass
9.00 pm Vigil Mass
Saturday 25th December-The Nativity of the Lord
9.00 am and 11.30 am
Friday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
6.00 pm Children’s Mass
10.00 pm Vigil Mass
Sturday 25th December-The Nativity of the Lord
10.00 am and 12.00 pm
Brittas Mass Centre
Friday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
8.00 pm Vigil Mass
Saturday 25th December-The Nativity of the Lord
Friday 24th December
5.30pm Children’s Mass
7.30pm Vigil Mass
Saturday 25th December
Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd December After 9.30 am Mass
Friday 24th December 10.00 am to 11.00 am
Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd December After 9.30 am Mass
Fiday 24th December 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
Brittas Mass Centre
Friday 24th December 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm
Newcastle Church
Tuesday 21st, Thursday 23rd December After 10am Mass
Friday 24th December 11.30am – 12 Noon
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Facing difficult times as a community
The Irish Bishops have said they are praying for a spirit of national solidarity and hope as well as a renewal of confidence in the country’s ability to work together for the good of all so as to address the adverse circumstances confronting the nation at this time.
“Faced with these challenges it would be easy to descend into a culture of negativity, defeatism and despair,” the bishops acknowledged.
However, they said that while important questions have to be asked about how this situation had arisen, “a preoccupation with blame and recrimination alone would be futile and distract from the urgent task of building a more just, sustainable and prosperous future”.
“Faced with these challenges it would be easy to descend into a culture of negativity, defeatism and despair,” the bishops acknowledged.
However, they said that while important questions have to be asked about how this situation had arisen, “a preoccupation with blame and recrimination alone would be futile and distract from the urgent task of building a more just, sustainable and prosperous future”.
Citing the appeal of St Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonians, “Encourage one another and build one another up... For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus,” the bishops said that as Christian leaders, they echoed this to the people of Ireland today.
“As we prepare for the coming of ‘God-with-us’, in the celebration of Christmas, we pray for a spirit of national solidarity and hope”, they said.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
‘A good man was there of religioun’ |
‘A good man was there of religioun’
This is an interview carried out by myself with the parish priest of St Mary's, Chippenham, a town near Bath in Wiltshire. It appeared in the English 'Catholic Herald' weekly newspaper this week. Fr Millett is 81 and has been P.P. of St Mary's for over 25 years, having been 15 years in Bath before that. He taught me in primary school in the 50s (St John the Baptist primary school, Clontarf, Dublin). I had him for 5th and 6th class. He went for the priesthood in his late 30s and was ordained in 1971. The interview gives a good idea of what St Mary's parish is like, and we may compare with it our own parish of St Mary's.
I hope I have a reader out there, and any comment is welcome.
Donal (Web Sec).
This is an interview carried out by myself with the parish priest of St Mary's, Chippenham, a town near Bath in Wiltshire. It appeared in the English 'Catholic Herald' weekly newspaper this week. Fr Millett is 81 and has been P.P. of St Mary's for over 25 years, having been 15 years in Bath before that. He taught me in primary school in the 50s (St John the Baptist primary school, Clontarf, Dublin). I had him for 5th and 6th class. He went for the priesthood in his late 30s and was ordained in 1971. The interview gives a good idea of what St Mary's parish is like, and we may compare with it our own parish of St Mary's.
I hope I have a reader out there, and any comment is welcome.
Donal (Web Sec).
Friday, 10 December 2010
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Advent - A Journey with Pope Benedict XVI
For a daily reflection on the meaning of Advent by Pope Benedict XVI (prepared by the American Bishops) see
to the house of the God of Jacob,
that he may instruct us in his ways,
and we may walk in his paths.”
Is 2:3
Advent, this powerful liturgical season that we are beginning,
invites us to pause in silence to understand a
presence. It is an invitation to understand that the individual
events of the day are hints that God is giving us signs of the
attention he has for each one of us. How often does God give
us a glimpse of his love!
Homily in Celebration of First Vespers of Advent
November 28, 2009
Monday, 29 November 2010
An Appeal
The snow may be a time of pleasure for some but for others it can be isolating. Can we ask that you call into any neighbours that you feel may be in need of some help? They may need some messages done or even more simply a little company.
(Photo: The Irish Times)
Welcoming the International Eucharistic Congress to Dublin, June 2012.
In the second week of November a delegation from the Congress Organising Committee, led by Archbishop Martin, participated in an international gathering in Rome, hosted by the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.
Pope Benedict said “your Assembly has paid great attention to this event, which is also part of the modernisation programme of the Church in Ireland. The theme, recalls the centrality of the Eucharistic Mystery for the growth of the life of faith and every authentic process of Church renewal”.
Pope Benedict also remarked that this week’s meeting falls on the 50th anniversary of the Eucharistic Congress in Munich, Bavaria, which marked a turning point in understanding these ecclesial events, and which the Pope said “I had the pleasure of attending that assembly in person, as a young professor of theology”. In addition, he said the 2012 Congress in Ireland will have a jubilee character, as it will be the 50th Congress and it will also be 50 years since the opening of the Second Vatican Council.
The Eucharistic Congress will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Dublin on behalf of the whole Irish Church. The theme of the 2012 Congress is “The Eucharist: Communion with Christ and one another” and pastoral planning and preparations are well under way throughout Ireland.
Pope Benedict said “your Assembly has paid great attention to this event, which is also part of the modernisation programme of the Church in Ireland. The theme, recalls the centrality of the Eucharistic Mystery for the growth of the life of faith and every authentic process of Church renewal”.
Pope Benedict also remarked that this week’s meeting falls on the 50th anniversary of the Eucharistic Congress in Munich, Bavaria, which marked a turning point in understanding these ecclesial events, and which the Pope said “I had the pleasure of attending that assembly in person, as a young professor of theology”. In addition, he said the 2012 Congress in Ireland will have a jubilee character, as it will be the 50th Congress and it will also be 50 years since the opening of the Second Vatican Council.
The Eucharistic Congress will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Dublin on behalf of the whole Irish Church. The theme of the 2012 Congress is “The Eucharist: Communion with Christ and one another” and pastoral planning and preparations are well under way throughout Ireland.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Some News from our Diocese
Christmas Carol Service: St Joseph's Church Berkeley Road, Wednesday 8th December - 7.30pm. Choir of St Teresa's Clarendon Street in aid of the Church Heating Fund. Tickets €10 - available in repository, parish office & on the night.
St Joseph's Christmas Fair: St Joseph's Church Berkeley Road. Sunday 5th December - 10.30am - 2pm. Santa, gifts, cakes, mulled wine, holly & ivy and more.
Liam Lawton will perform 3 concerts within the Dublin Archdiocese: St. Mocha's Church, Porterstown, Dublin 15, Wednesday December 1st.St. Mary's Church, Lucan, Thursday 9th December. Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin on Tuesday 21 December. Please see for further details.
Manresa Advent Prayer: On each Tuesday evening of vent from 7.30pm to 9.00pm, Manresa invites you to a time of quiet Advent prayer and reflection (30 November, 7, 14 and 21 December). No need to book - just come along. You can also book into our weekend retreat for lay people, beginning on Friday 3 December and ending with lunch on the Sunday. Contact Eileen or Valerie at (01) 833 1352 or or visit [Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf Road, Dollymount, Dublin 3.]
Cabra Resource Centre: would like to invite you to join us in a celebration of Hope and Commemoration on Tuesday 30th November in the Church of Most Precious Blood, Cabra West at 7pm. This is promote awareness of a wide range of supports and services in the Cabra area, information will be distributed to the community on the night.
Ringsend Parish: Is looking for a 4 to 5 foot statue of our Lady of Lourdes (for outdoors) for a Flat Complex. If any parish has such a statue they are no longer using please contact Fr Ivan Tongue Tel: 087 272 6868
Diocesan Advent Service: Vigil for Nascent Life. Through reflection song and prayer in St Mary’s Pro Cathedral. Saturday 27th November at 4.00p.m. Led by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
Crosscare Launch “Thanks to Teachers”: Parents and kids are being asked to buy a very special present for their teacher this Christmas - a helping hand to those most in need. Instead of buying gifts this year - we are asking you to make a donation to Crosscare ( and download our specially designed Thanks for Teachers cards.
Christmas with the Palestrina Choir: National Concert Hall, Thursday 2nd December 2010 at 8pm. Tickets €28, €20 (choir balcony €15)
Available from the National Concert Hall Box Office. Book online at For further information visit
St Joseph's Christmas Fair: St Joseph's Church Berkeley Road. Sunday 5th December - 10.30am - 2pm. Santa, gifts, cakes, mulled wine, holly & ivy and more.
Liam Lawton will perform 3 concerts within the Dublin Archdiocese: St. Mocha's Church, Porterstown, Dublin 15, Wednesday December 1st.St. Mary's Church, Lucan, Thursday 9th December. Christchurch Cathedral, Dublin on Tuesday 21 December. Please see for further details.
Manresa Advent Prayer: On each Tuesday evening of vent from 7.30pm to 9.00pm, Manresa invites you to a time of quiet Advent prayer and reflection (30 November, 7, 14 and 21 December). No need to book - just come along. You can also book into our weekend retreat for lay people, beginning on Friday 3 December and ending with lunch on the Sunday. Contact Eileen or Valerie at (01) 833 1352 or or visit [Manresa, Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, 426 Clontarf Road, Dollymount, Dublin 3.]
Cabra Resource Centre: would like to invite you to join us in a celebration of Hope and Commemoration on Tuesday 30th November in the Church of Most Precious Blood, Cabra West at 7pm. This is promote awareness of a wide range of supports and services in the Cabra area, information will be distributed to the community on the night.
Ringsend Parish: Is looking for a 4 to 5 foot statue of our Lady of Lourdes (for outdoors) for a Flat Complex. If any parish has such a statue they are no longer using please contact Fr Ivan Tongue Tel: 087 272 6868
Diocesan Advent Service: Vigil for Nascent Life. Through reflection song and prayer in St Mary’s Pro Cathedral. Saturday 27th November at 4.00p.m. Led by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
Crosscare Launch “Thanks to Teachers”: Parents and kids are being asked to buy a very special present for their teacher this Christmas - a helping hand to those most in need. Instead of buying gifts this year - we are asking you to make a donation to Crosscare ( and download our specially designed Thanks for Teachers cards.
Christmas with the Palestrina Choir: National Concert Hall, Thursday 2nd December 2010 at 8pm. Tickets €28, €20 (choir balcony €15)
Available from the National Concert Hall Box Office. Book online at For further information visit
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Well done to the students of Holy Family Community School who attended the launch of the John Paul II Student Awards. For full details click here.
To know more about the John Paul II awards see
If you are aged between 16 and 18 and living or going to school in participating Dioceses, the Pope John Paul II Award will enable you to become more actively involved in the life of your parish and community. Religion is not just for learning, nor a list of rules designed to stop you doing what you want. Religion is for living and through taking an active part in your church and community you will experience the contentment and fulfilment that comes from serving others, especially those in great need... Read More »
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Some of the latest News of Our Diocese
Christmas with the Palestrina Choir: National Concert Hall, Thursday 2nd December 2010 at 8pm. Tickets €28, €20 (choir balcony €15)
Available from the National Concert Hall Box Office. Book online at For further information visit
Introduction to Church Music of Advent: with Tim Thurston of Gloria fame on RTE Lyric FM, St. Fergal’s Church, Wednesday 1st December
at 8.00p.m. Organised by Bray Churches Together.
Annual Advent Walk of Light: 21st November 4pm. Starts in Rathmines Parish Church. The 5th ecumenical Walk of Light is sponsored by the Dublin Council of Churches. For further information visit:
Faith Family Centre- Events: Crash Course: ‘What Catholics Believe’- Nov 16th – Dec 7th, Tuesday Evenings 8 – 9.30 pm.
Advent Evenings of Reflection 7-9.30 pm. For Couples Wednesday Dec 1st . For Youth Wednesday Dec 8th. Advent Family Day
3-5 pm. Sunday Dec 12th. Call or Email for more information Tel 01 288 9317 or
REMINDER: Pastoral Co-Ordinator Vacancy: The Office of Evangelisation is recruiting a pastoral co-ordinator on a two year fixed term contract. You may know of a person who may be interested and qualified for this role and it would be appreciated if you would refer them to the advertisement. The advertisement can be found on
Lecture in Haddington Road: Clifford Longley will give a lecture in St. Mary’s Church Haddington Road on Thursday 11th November 2010 at 8.00 p.m. The title of the lecture is “Catholic Social Teaching – Irrelevant, or the Answer?” Clifford Longley is an author, broadcaster and journalist.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Some of the Latest News of the Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels Luke 19:1-10
1 Zacchaeus showed himself open to the call of Jesus, to the surprise of his contemporaries who thought there was no good in tax collectors. Sometimes the people who give us lessons in goodness may be people we previously disregarded. Recall when this happened for you.
2 It was the eagerness of Zacchaeus to see what kind of a man Jesus was that opened him up to conversion. When you consider moments of change in your life what were the interests or desires that prepared you for change?
3 The decision of Jesus to eat in the house of Zacchaeus broke the social norms of his day and scandalised those who saw him. When have you found table fellowship a useful way of breaking down artificial boundaries between people?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Monday 1st November is Feast of All Saints
We are all invited to participate in the celebration of Mass that day.
Mass Times will be
Saggart 9.00 am and 7.30pm
Newcastle 10.30am and 8.00pm
Rathcoole 12.00 am and 7.00 pm
(There will be no vigil mass on Sunday)
“it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead”
The Envelopes for the Altar List of the Dead are available a the back of the church. They will be presented at the altar on every first Friday and kept in our prayers throughout the year.
The November Mass of Remembrance for the deceased and their families will take place in Saggart on Thursday 11th November at 7.30.And in St. Finian’s Parish, Newcastle on Sunday 7th at 10.30 am.
The next meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priest Society will take place in Rathcoole church at 6.30 on Friday 6th November. All are very welcome.
On behalf of the St. Vincent de Paul, thank you to everyone who contributed to their clothing appeal. They will be going to a worthy and worthwhile cause.
Eucharistic adoration takes place every Friday between 7.30 and 8.30. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quiet time in the presence of God. You will be very welcome.
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome. For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Saturday, November 13: Where can you turn when things get bad? This question, which is the theme for the DAY FOR YOURSELF in Orlagh on November 13th, resonates with the current economic and political climate. However, its focus is elsewhere. It will look at the personal and faith resources we have at our disposal when we are in any difficult times. The day will be led by Bernadette Toal and John Byrne and runs from 10.00 am to 430 pm with the opportunity os staying on for Mass at 4.30pm Cost €50 (including lunch)
Sunday, November 14: The gospel for the coming liturgical year is the Gospel of Matthew. On Sunday, November 14th, Sean Goan will lead a study day on this gospel under the title Emmanuel–God with us–Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. The day runs from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm (including lunch and Mass) Cost €55.To book for either of these events contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16 Tel (01) 495 8190; Email:
1 Zacchaeus showed himself open to the call of Jesus, to the surprise of his contemporaries who thought there was no good in tax collectors. Sometimes the people who give us lessons in goodness may be people we previously disregarded. Recall when this happened for you.
2 It was the eagerness of Zacchaeus to see what kind of a man Jesus was that opened him up to conversion. When you consider moments of change in your life what were the interests or desires that prepared you for change?
3 The decision of Jesus to eat in the house of Zacchaeus broke the social norms of his day and scandalised those who saw him. When have you found table fellowship a useful way of breaking down artificial boundaries between people?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Monday 1st November is Feast of All Saints
We are all invited to participate in the celebration of Mass that day.
Mass Times will be
Saggart 9.00 am and 7.30pm
Newcastle 10.30am and 8.00pm
Rathcoole 12.00 am and 7.00 pm
(There will be no vigil mass on Sunday)
“it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead”
The Envelopes for the Altar List of the Dead are available a the back of the church. They will be presented at the altar on every first Friday and kept in our prayers throughout the year.
The November Mass of Remembrance for the deceased and their families will take place in Saggart on Thursday 11th November at 7.30.And in St. Finian’s Parish, Newcastle on Sunday 7th at 10.30 am.
The next meeting of St. Joseph’s Young Priest Society will take place in Rathcoole church at 6.30 on Friday 6th November. All are very welcome.
On behalf of the St. Vincent de Paul, thank you to everyone who contributed to their clothing appeal. They will be going to a worthy and worthwhile cause.
Eucharistic adoration takes place every Friday between 7.30 and 8.30. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quiet time in the presence of God. You will be very welcome.
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome. For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Saturday, November 13: Where can you turn when things get bad? This question, which is the theme for the DAY FOR YOURSELF in Orlagh on November 13th, resonates with the current economic and political climate. However, its focus is elsewhere. It will look at the personal and faith resources we have at our disposal when we are in any difficult times. The day will be led by Bernadette Toal and John Byrne and runs from 10.00 am to 430 pm with the opportunity os staying on for Mass at 4.30pm Cost €50 (including lunch)
Sunday, November 14: The gospel for the coming liturgical year is the Gospel of Matthew. On Sunday, November 14th, Sean Goan will lead a study day on this gospel under the title Emmanuel–God with us–Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. The day runs from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm (including lunch and Mass) Cost €55.To book for either of these events contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16 Tel (01) 495 8190; Email:
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
1 Today is Mission Sunday, a reminder to us that the Church and all its members are called to bring the good news of the gospel to others. Jesus sent out his disciples on a mission to let people know ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ Recall when you have reached out to another in word or in deed to help them realise that they were cherished, perhaps by a word of sympathy or encouragement, or by giving a hand with a difficult task. What was it like for you to experience yourself as a person bringing help and encouragement to another?
2 Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. When have you found it beneficial not to be working alone, but with another by your side? What difference did it make to how you felt, or to what you were able to achieve? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Reminder: Monday 1st November is All Saints Day
We are all invited to participate at Mass that day.
Mass Times will be
Saggart 9.00 am and 7.00pm
Newcastle 10.30am and 8.00pm
Rathcoole 12.00 am and 7.30 pm
(There will be no vigil mass on Sunday)
Note for the diary: The November Mass of Remembrance
For the deceased and their families will take place in Saggart on Thursday 11th November at 7.30
And in St. Finian’s Parish, Newcastle on Sunday 7th at 10.30 am.
Missions:Thank you to all who supported teh the special collection in aid of the missions and bought the Divine Word Christmas Cards in Rathcoole this weekend. You support in greatly appreciated. Irish Missionary Union hosts several events happening for the month of October, including, National Day of Prayer, Mass for Missionaries, Viatores Christi 50th Anniversary Conference. Please see for full details.
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome. For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Saturday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
1 Today is Mission Sunday, a reminder to us that the Church and all its members are called to bring the good news of the gospel to others. Jesus sent out his disciples on a mission to let people know ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ Recall when you have reached out to another in word or in deed to help them realise that they were cherished, perhaps by a word of sympathy or encouragement, or by giving a hand with a difficult task. What was it like for you to experience yourself as a person bringing help and encouragement to another?
2 Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. When have you found it beneficial not to be working alone, but with another by your side? What difference did it make to how you felt, or to what you were able to achieve? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Reminder: Monday 1st November is All Saints Day
We are all invited to participate at Mass that day.
Mass Times will be
Saggart 9.00 am and 7.00pm
Newcastle 10.30am and 8.00pm
Rathcoole 12.00 am and 7.30 pm
(There will be no vigil mass on Sunday)
Note for the diary: The November Mass of Remembrance
For the deceased and their families will take place in Saggart on Thursday 11th November at 7.30
And in St. Finian’s Parish, Newcastle on Sunday 7th at 10.30 am.
Missions:Thank you to all who supported teh the special collection in aid of the missions and bought the Divine Word Christmas Cards in Rathcoole this weekend. You support in greatly appreciated. Irish Missionary Union hosts several events happening for the month of October, including, National Day of Prayer, Mass for Missionaries, Viatores Christi 50th Anniversary Conference. Please see for full details.
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome. For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Saturday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
Friday, 15 October 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 18:1-8
1 The purpose of prayer is not to change God’s mind, but to change ourselves and we can be slow to move. When have you found that persistence in prayer strengthened your faith in the presence of God with you in that struggle?
2 The context of the story may be a concern about the delay in the final coming of the Lord. Have there been times when your persistence in prayer, or action, was eventually rewarded after a period when you had doubts about the outcome? What were the fruits of your persistent prayer?
3 Behind the story lies the final question of Jesus: Who does have faith? Who have been models of faith and trust in God for you? How has that trust been shown in their lives? How is it shown in yours?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Do This in Memory: Every blessing on our young children who will be beginning their Parish journey to their first Holy Communion this weekend. Thank you to their parents and guardians, especially to the co-ordinators. We hope you enjoy the experience too.
Note for the diary: The November Mass of Remembrance For the deceased and their families will take place in Saggart on Thursday 11th November at 7.30 and in St. Finian’s Parish, Newcastle on Sunday 7th at 10.30 am.
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome. For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Saturday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
Eucharistic Congress Parish Representatives: Are you interested? We are being asked to nominate one of your parishioners who would be a liaison person for your parish with the Eucharistic Congress Office. Ideally this should be someone who is active in the mainstream of parish life and who would have a capacity to communicate with and motivate his or her fellow parishioners. An initial meeting for these delegates in each of the pastoral areas of the diocese will be held in the coming weeks and we would like as many as possible in attendance. Please email the details to or phone 01 808 7577 if you have any queries.
Monastic Weekend for Women: Join the Redemptoristine Nuns for a Monastic Weekend on the 22nd-24th October. We, the Redemptoristine Nuns are a contemplative order dedicated to the service of god and his people through prayer and supporting ourselves by our work. For more information contact Sr. Gabrielle at 086 8164179 or email:
Just incase any of you / the women in your life are interested, there's a coffee morning with a twist on in Newcastle Hall this Mon Oct 18th to mark Breast Awareness Month. The Feel Good event will hear from a Marie Keating Foundation Breast Health Nurse, RTE nutritionist Aveen Bannon, life coach Brian Colburt PLUS special guest local celebrity cook Clodagh McKenna. There will even be FREE massages on offer - pamper perfect! Kick off at 10.30am please pass on word to women from Newcastle, Rathcoole, Saggart and Brittas.
Luke 18:1-8
1 The purpose of prayer is not to change God’s mind, but to change ourselves and we can be slow to move. When have you found that persistence in prayer strengthened your faith in the presence of God with you in that struggle?
2 The context of the story may be a concern about the delay in the final coming of the Lord. Have there been times when your persistence in prayer, or action, was eventually rewarded after a period when you had doubts about the outcome? What were the fruits of your persistent prayer?
3 Behind the story lies the final question of Jesus: Who does have faith? Who have been models of faith and trust in God for you? How has that trust been shown in their lives? How is it shown in yours?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Do This in Memory: Every blessing on our young children who will be beginning their Parish journey to their first Holy Communion this weekend. Thank you to their parents and guardians, especially to the co-ordinators. We hope you enjoy the experience too.
Note for the diary: The November Mass of Remembrance For the deceased and their families will take place in Saggart on Thursday 11th November at 7.30 and in St. Finian’s Parish, Newcastle on Sunday 7th at 10.30 am.
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome. For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Saturday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
Eucharistic Congress Parish Representatives: Are you interested? We are being asked to nominate one of your parishioners who would be a liaison person for your parish with the Eucharistic Congress Office. Ideally this should be someone who is active in the mainstream of parish life and who would have a capacity to communicate with and motivate his or her fellow parishioners. An initial meeting for these delegates in each of the pastoral areas of the diocese will be held in the coming weeks and we would like as many as possible in attendance. Please email the details to or phone 01 808 7577 if you have any queries.
Monastic Weekend for Women: Join the Redemptoristine Nuns for a Monastic Weekend on the 22nd-24th October. We, the Redemptoristine Nuns are a contemplative order dedicated to the service of god and his people through prayer and supporting ourselves by our work. For more information contact Sr. Gabrielle at 086 8164179 or email:
Just incase any of you / the women in your life are interested, there's a coffee morning with a twist on in Newcastle Hall this Mon Oct 18th to mark Breast Awareness Month. The Feel Good event will hear from a Marie Keating Foundation Breast Health Nurse, RTE nutritionist Aveen Bannon, life coach Brian Colburt PLUS special guest local celebrity cook Clodagh McKenna. There will even be FREE massages on offer - pamper perfect! Kick off at 10.30am please pass on word to women from Newcastle, Rathcoole, Saggart and Brittas.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
The Pope John Paul II Awards: Catholic Youth Care, in association with the Dublin Archdiocesan Office of Evangelisation is delighted to announce a new pastoral programme for young people in the diocese as part of the Year of Evangelisation. The Pope John Paul II Awards will be run by CYC in Dublin. CYC will be supporting parishes, schools and young people in this new Award. This is an exciting new project that has the ability to show young people how to actively live out their faith. All young people between the ages of 16 and 18 years in schools and parishes throughout the Diocese are welcome.
For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Eucharistic Congress Parish Representatives: Are you interested? We are being asked to nominate one of your parishioners who would be a liaison person for your parish with the Eucharistic Congress Office. Ideally this should be someone who is active in the mainstream of parish life and who would have a capacity to communicate with and motivate his or her fellow parishioners. An initial meeting for these delegates in each of the pastoral areas of the diocese will be held in the coming weeks and we would like as many as possible in attendance. Please email the details to or phone 01 808 7577 if you have any queries.
Sophia House
"A Fundraiser is being held in St. Marys GAA Hall, Saggart on Friday next the 15th of October to raise funds for Sophia Housing Cork Street, Sophia Housing which provides a home and support for many in Cork Street, visit for more insight in to their work.
Fuaim Chonamara are putting on a concert of sean nos dancing singing and lots more and Dessie O'Halloran will be singing and entertaining in his own imitable way. Tickets are €25 and can be bought outside the Church following mass today or from Mary Lawless, Sally Dungan . If you can please support this night .
Irish Missionary Union hosts several events happening for the month of October. Which include, National Day of Prayer, Mass for Missionaries, Mission Sunday Theme: Together in Mission, Viatores Christi 50th Anniversary Conference. Please see for full details.
For more information visit or contact Anna Keegan or Tel: 01 8725055
Eucharistic Congress Parish Representatives: Are you interested? We are being asked to nominate one of your parishioners who would be a liaison person for your parish with the Eucharistic Congress Office. Ideally this should be someone who is active in the mainstream of parish life and who would have a capacity to communicate with and motivate his or her fellow parishioners. An initial meeting for these delegates in each of the pastoral areas of the diocese will be held in the coming weeks and we would like as many as possible in attendance. Please email the details to or phone 01 808 7577 if you have any queries.
Sophia House
"A Fundraiser is being held in St. Marys GAA Hall, Saggart on Friday next the 15th of October to raise funds for Sophia Housing Cork Street, Sophia Housing which provides a home and support for many in Cork Street, visit for more insight in to their work.
Fuaim Chonamara are putting on a concert of sean nos dancing singing and lots more and Dessie O'Halloran will be singing and entertaining in his own imitable way. Tickets are €25 and can be bought outside the Church following mass today or from Mary Lawless, Sally Dungan . If you can please support this night .
Irish Missionary Union hosts several events happening for the month of October. Which include, National Day of Prayer, Mass for Missionaries, Mission Sunday Theme: Together in Mission, Viatores Christi 50th Anniversary Conference. Please see for full details.
A new timetable begins the weekend of 17th October
Saturday Vigil Rathcoole 6.30
Newcastle 7.30
Sunday Saggart 9.00
Rathcoole 10.00
Briitas 10.30
Newcastle 10.30
Saggart 11.30
Rathcoole 12.00
Thank you to every one participated in the process of discernment towards a new Sunday timetable for the Celebration of the Eucharist.
Saturday Vigil Rathcoole 6.30
Newcastle 7.30
Sunday Saggart 9.00
Rathcoole 10.00
Briitas 10.30
Newcastle 10.30
Saggart 11.30
Rathcoole 12.00
Thank you to every one participated in the process of discernment towards a new Sunday timetable for the Celebration of the Eucharist.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Irish High Crosses: The Cross with the Cats
Dear Parishioners,
It's time to close the Competition to name the Irish High Cross with the cats on it. You may remember that there was an exhibition in the National Museum (Collins Barracks) over the summer (it may still be on!), featuring replicas of various Irish High Crosses. Above is a photo of the Cross in question, reproduced here by kind permission of The Irish Catholic and photographer Lucia Ribagarda.
The Cross is Muiredach's Cross, Monasterboice, Co. Louth. This dates from the 9/10th century. The person pointing out the cats here is Dr Peter Harbison, the well known scholar and archaeologist. On the panel above the cats, you can make out the Taking of Christ in the Garden. As I say, it made for a very nice trip for me early this summer.
I'm sure you have some interesting stories to tell about your trips, about, say, visiting some church abroad. If you have, please feel free to tell us about them here. Or you can mail me at
Donal (McMahon)
Friday, 24 September 2010
We welcome Fr. Aiden Keiran to our Parish and wish every good blessing for his future ministry in our Parishes. As you see him over the next few weeks, be sure to welcome him personally and make him feel at home.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Some of the Latest News of our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
1 The first of the faults attributed to the rich man is his insensitivity to the abject poverty of those around him. When have you discovered that it is when you are aware of the needs of those around you and seek to make some response that you bring out the best in yourself?
2 The second fault attributed to the rich man is the way he ignored the word of God coming through Moses and the prophets. How have the Gospels, the scriptures or your faith opened you up to a deeper and more satisfying perspective on life? the world around you? John Byrne OSA (intercom)
Children's Choir is resuming its wonderful singing on the 26th September at 1.30 in Rathcoole Church. New members are always welcome.
John Henry Newman- Dublin Events: Please see ‘the latest news’ section for Dublin events to celebrate the Beatification of John Henry Newman.
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Satruday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
"The Charity Walk Team would like to invite you to try the Zorbs again in Rathcoole Park on Sunday 26th September, from 10am to 6pm. This is to mark the unveiling of our World Record Plaque in the Rose Garden at 3pm. There will be a small charge to cover costs and any surplus will go to the Irish Cancer Society. Its €2 for children and €3 for Adults. We look forward to seeing you there."
Patricia Molloy would like to thank everyone who helped or attended the coffee morning in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation on 16th Sept in Rathcoole. 1300e was raised. Thank you again.
Saturday, October 9
The theme for the DAY FOR YOURSELF on October 9th is Living Life Gratefully. A sense of gratitude for life can do wonders to lift our spirits even when life seems full of problems. This day, which will be led by Bernadette Toal and John Byrne, will encourage participants to keep gratitude in their hearts at all times. The day runs from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm with the opportunity of staying on for Mass at 4.30. Cost €50 ((including lunch).
This is a two-hour introduction to the theory and practice of meditation for people who have thought they would like to start this practice but don’t quite know how to get started. In order to make the introduction available to as many people as possible we are running it on Sunday 10th afternoon (3.00-5.00pm), Tuesday 12th morning (11.00am-1.00pm) and Thursday 14th evening (7.30-9.30pm). It will be run by John Byrne and Bernadette Toal and there is no charge.
To book fofr either of these events, contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193, Email
1 The first of the faults attributed to the rich man is his insensitivity to the abject poverty of those around him. When have you discovered that it is when you are aware of the needs of those around you and seek to make some response that you bring out the best in yourself?
2 The second fault attributed to the rich man is the way he ignored the word of God coming through Moses and the prophets. How have the Gospels, the scriptures or your faith opened you up to a deeper and more satisfying perspective on life? the world around you? John Byrne OSA (intercom)
Children's Choir is resuming its wonderful singing on the 26th September at 1.30 in Rathcoole Church. New members are always welcome.
John Henry Newman- Dublin Events: Please see ‘the latest news’ section for Dublin events to celebrate the Beatification of John Henry Newman.
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Satruday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
"The Charity Walk Team would like to invite you to try the Zorbs again in Rathcoole Park on Sunday 26th September, from 10am to 6pm. This is to mark the unveiling of our World Record Plaque in the Rose Garden at 3pm. There will be a small charge to cover costs and any surplus will go to the Irish Cancer Society. Its €2 for children and €3 for Adults. We look forward to seeing you there."
Patricia Molloy would like to thank everyone who helped or attended the coffee morning in aid of the Irish Hospice Foundation on 16th Sept in Rathcoole. 1300e was raised. Thank you again.
Saturday, October 9
The theme for the DAY FOR YOURSELF on October 9th is Living Life Gratefully. A sense of gratitude for life can do wonders to lift our spirits even when life seems full of problems. This day, which will be led by Bernadette Toal and John Byrne, will encourage participants to keep gratitude in their hearts at all times. The day runs from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm with the opportunity of staying on for Mass at 4.30. Cost €50 ((including lunch).
This is a two-hour introduction to the theory and practice of meditation for people who have thought they would like to start this practice but don’t quite know how to get started. In order to make the introduction available to as many people as possible we are running it on Sunday 10th afternoon (3.00-5.00pm), Tuesday 12th morning (11.00am-1.00pm) and Thursday 14th evening (7.30-9.30pm). It will be run by John Byrne and Bernadette Toal and there is no charge.
To book fofr either of these events, contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193, Email
Friday, 17 September 2010
Some of the Latest News of our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 16:1-13
1 As often with the parables of Jesus, this one is intended to shock in order to make us think. Jesus is not praising the injustice of the servant, but his purposefulness in preparing for the future. In your experience what difference does it make when you are purposeful and energetic instead of lethargic?
2 It was his master’s call to account that galvanised the servant into action. What have been the experiences, or people, that have galvanised you into action when you had been somewhat half-hearted in your efforts?
3 ‘No servant can be the slave of two masters.’ When have you experienced the truth of this statement?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council, our thanks go to all those who celebrated with Fr. Enda Cunningham, his Silver Jubilee. We thank those who were helped organise the Eucharist and Refreshments afterwards. It was a wonderful evening. Our blessings go with Fr. Enda as he begins another twenty-five years of priesthood.
Emmaus Vocation Journey: Wondering where God is call you in life? Ever thought about a vocation to the diocesan priesthood? Why not give one Satruday morning a month for the next sic months looking at these questions. The Emmaus Vocation Journey is an opportunity for those between the ages of 19 to 35 or so to pray together, to discuss and to learn more. For more details contact: Fr. Eamonn Burke. 0868346071 or
Charity Ceili In aid of our Lady’s Hospice, Harolds Cross
St. Mary’s GFC, Saggart, Co. Dublin
Sunday 26th September 3.00pm—7.00pm
Admission 10e Mucis by Annaly Ceili Band
National Ploughing Championships: As part of the Year of Evangelisation, the Dublin Archdiocese will have a stand at the National Ploughing Championships which take place in Athy 21-23 September 2010. It will be jointly hosted with the Church of Ireland and the focus of it will be on Prayer – Together. It will be located in Row L number 231. All are welcome. More information on or follow on Facebook /yearofevangelisation.
Time Out Weekend Retreat for Young Adults: The YCW Time Out Weekend Retreat will take place from Fri 24th – Sun 26th of September 2010 in Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This retreat promises to be a lively and uplifting experience and has been especially designed for young adults 18-30 years be they students, young workers or unemployed. Cost: Participants are asked to make a donation (no matter how big or small) towards the event depending on their means. Bookings can be made through the YCW website: Further details available from Vicky Rattigan at the YCW National Office, email: or call 01-8780291
Saturday, 11 September 2010
The Parish Pastoral Council
cordially invites
all our parishioners
to a special mass in celebration of the
Silver Jubilee
of the Ordination to the priesthood of
Very Rev. Enda Cunningham PP
The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saggart
Saturday 18th September at 7.30pm
Refreshments afterwards in St. Mary’s GAA Club, Saggart
Please not that there will be no 6.30 evening mass in Holy Family Church on Saturday 18th.
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
The fundamental mission of a Parish is to spread and deepen the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet parishes are also influenced by the cultural factors beyond their immediate control. As Irish society has been transformed, so too our Parishes have been undergoing changes. Among those changes is the decline in the number of Priests. We now reach another crossroads and require your participation in helping chart a way forward.
In order to meet the challenges of the future, the Parish of Saggart, Rathcoole and Brittas and the Parish of Newcastle have been invited to work more closely together. If managed successfully, these challenges can be turned into opportunities.
Of particular urgency is the availability of priests. Diocesan requirements state that a priest should only celebrate the Eucharist twice in one day. In effect, there will only be two full-time priests to serve the two parishes – Fr. Enda Cunningham and Fr. Aiden Kieran. Fr. Michael McGowan is retired and Fr. Michael Shortall holds a full-time position in Maynooth College.
As a result, the most direct and immediate requirement is to restructure the celebration of the sacraments, in particular the Sunday Eucharist.
This process will rely very much on your generosity but I appreciate that it may discommode some. I thank the Parish Council and the Parish Team for debating and proposing possibilities.
Fr. Enda Cunningham PP
Crosscare: The Annual Collection for Crosscare—the Social Agency of the Dublin Diocese—will be at all masses next weekend (18/19th Sept) It will replace the normal Share collection. Your support is greatly appreciated.
PAB Tours: Papal visit to Birmingham to see the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman.
Sailing at 06:45hrs on September 18th and returns at 23:45hrs on September 19th. Cost- €269 which includes Luxury Coach Transfers, Pilgrim Pack, Entrance to Cofton Park for Mass, Overnight Hotel, Dinner, Packed Breakfast on Sunday and Fully Escorted by PAB Staff. For further details phone: (01) 8733411or (approx. 23 seats left on this program)
Year of Evangelisation – E-zine: Read and learn more about the Gospel of St. Luke
Commercials Hurling Club: Quiz Night in aid of the Commercials Hurling Club, Juvenile Section, Friday 17th September in An Poitin Stil Teams of 4 = 10e per head (40e per team) Big Prizes, Rafflle
ORLAGH RETREAT CENTRE—Saturday, September 25th: Where do I want to go in life? How will I get there? These are questions we all ask and have been asked by countless people in the past. The restless heart of St. Augustine led him to explore many roads in his search for happiness. In his writing he shares with us the lessons he learned, the insights experience taught him, and the questions he wrestled with–which are as relevant in the 21st century as they were in his day. In the workshop/retreat from restless heart to mindfulness Fr. John Byrne will lead participants to explore their own search for happiness using quotations from St. Augustine. The day runs from 10.00am to 4.30pm and will cost €50 (including lunch).
ORLAGH RETREAT CENTRE—Tuesday, September 28th: THREE SCRIPTURE EVENINGS (Sept 28, Oct 5 and 12, 7.30-9.00pm) Over three evenings Kieran O’Mahony will explore three questions that arise for people interested in the Bible: Are the gospels true? How do I read the gospels as an adult? Do the gospels help?Cost €30 for the series—To book please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Time Out Weekend Retreat for Young Adults: The YCW Time Out Weekend Retreat will take place from Fri 24th – Sun 26th of September 2010 in Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This retreat promises to be a lively and uplifting experience and has been especially designed for young adults 18-30 years be they students, young workers or unemployed. Cost: Participants are asked to make a donation (no matter how big or small) towards the event depending on their means. Bookings can be made through the YCW website: Further details available from Vicky Rattigan at the YCW National Office, email: or call 01-8780291
Workers for the Vineyard: The Office of Evangelisation is supporting a training initiative in response to the repeated requests from many parishes regarding theological pastoral training for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of theology. Parishes are invited to nominate parishioners who might be interested in participating in the programme – which will then lead to an interview with Mater Dei prior to admission. Further information regarding content, timetable, costs etc – call Mater Dei 8086500 or email or
In order to meet the challenges of the future, the Parish of Saggart, Rathcoole and Brittas and the Parish of Newcastle have been invited to work more closely together. If managed successfully, these challenges can be turned into opportunities.
Of particular urgency is the availability of priests. Diocesan requirements state that a priest should only celebrate the Eucharist twice in one day. In effect, there will only be two full-time priests to serve the two parishes – Fr. Enda Cunningham and Fr. Aiden Kieran. Fr. Michael McGowan is retired and Fr. Michael Shortall holds a full-time position in Maynooth College.
As a result, the most direct and immediate requirement is to restructure the celebration of the sacraments, in particular the Sunday Eucharist.
This process will rely very much on your generosity but I appreciate that it may discommode some. I thank the Parish Council and the Parish Team for debating and proposing possibilities.
Fr. Enda Cunningham PP
Crosscare: The Annual Collection for Crosscare—the Social Agency of the Dublin Diocese—will be at all masses next weekend (18/19th Sept) It will replace the normal Share collection. Your support is greatly appreciated.
PAB Tours: Papal visit to Birmingham to see the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman.
Sailing at 06:45hrs on September 18th and returns at 23:45hrs on September 19th. Cost- €269 which includes Luxury Coach Transfers, Pilgrim Pack, Entrance to Cofton Park for Mass, Overnight Hotel, Dinner, Packed Breakfast on Sunday and Fully Escorted by PAB Staff. For further details phone: (01) 8733411or (approx. 23 seats left on this program)
Year of Evangelisation – E-zine: Read and learn more about the Gospel of St. Luke
Commercials Hurling Club: Quiz Night in aid of the Commercials Hurling Club, Juvenile Section, Friday 17th September in An Poitin Stil Teams of 4 = 10e per head (40e per team) Big Prizes, Rafflle
ORLAGH RETREAT CENTRE—Saturday, September 25th: Where do I want to go in life? How will I get there? These are questions we all ask and have been asked by countless people in the past. The restless heart of St. Augustine led him to explore many roads in his search for happiness. In his writing he shares with us the lessons he learned, the insights experience taught him, and the questions he wrestled with–which are as relevant in the 21st century as they were in his day. In the workshop/retreat from restless heart to mindfulness Fr. John Byrne will lead participants to explore their own search for happiness using quotations from St. Augustine. The day runs from 10.00am to 4.30pm and will cost €50 (including lunch).
ORLAGH RETREAT CENTRE—Tuesday, September 28th: THREE SCRIPTURE EVENINGS (Sept 28, Oct 5 and 12, 7.30-9.00pm) Over three evenings Kieran O’Mahony will explore three questions that arise for people interested in the Bible: Are the gospels true? How do I read the gospels as an adult? Do the gospels help?Cost €30 for the series—To book please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Time Out Weekend Retreat for Young Adults: The YCW Time Out Weekend Retreat will take place from Fri 24th – Sun 26th of September 2010 in Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This retreat promises to be a lively and uplifting experience and has been especially designed for young adults 18-30 years be they students, young workers or unemployed. Cost: Participants are asked to make a donation (no matter how big or small) towards the event depending on their means. Bookings can be made through the YCW website: Further details available from Vicky Rattigan at the YCW National Office, email: or call 01-8780291
Workers for the Vineyard: The Office of Evangelisation is supporting a training initiative in response to the repeated requests from many parishes regarding theological pastoral training for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of theology. Parishes are invited to nominate parishioners who might be interested in participating in the programme – which will then lead to an interview with Mater Dei prior to admission. Further information regarding content, timetable, costs etc – call Mater Dei 8086500 or email or
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Some of the Latest News of our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 14:25-33
1 The passage is a call to both radical and practical discipleship. When have you found that in order to achieve a certain objective you had to make it a priority, and then take the practical steps necessary to reach your goal? What were the benefits to you when you did this?
2 ‘Hate’ is prophetic exaggeration for the uncompromising loyalty Jesus seeks in disciples. There may be times when people make demands in conflict with fidelity to another relationship. This can be painful. When have you found that being clear about your priorities helped you in that situation?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
The Parish Pastoral Council: The next meeting of the Councill will be on on Wednesday 8th September in St. Mary's Parochial House at 7.30pm. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please pass them on to any of the members.
PAB Tours: Papal visit to Birmingham to see the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman. Sailing at 06:45hrs on September 18th and returns at 23:45hrs on September 19th. Cost- €269 which includes Luxury Coach Transfers, Pilgrim Pack, Entrance to Cofton Park for Mass, Overnight Hotel, Dinner, Packed Breakfast on Sunday and Fully Escorted by PAB Staff. For further details phone: (01) 8733411or (approx. 23 seats left on this program)
Orlagh Retreat Centre: ‘Be the Change’ Saturday, September 4th, 11am-4pm. A symposium led by members of the Be the Change Team. This symposium helps people to come to a deeper understanding of where we are as a society, how we got here, and what we must do if we want to see an ecologically sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling life. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee provided. Donations accepted.
To book for this event please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Day for Yourself: The monthly Day for yourself in Orlagh Retreat Centre will be held on Saturday, September 11. The theme is Love that will not give up and will be led by Dr. Bernadette Toal and Fr. John Byrne. It will have the usual relaxing combination of guided meditation, food for thought, time on your own, gospel reflection, and prayer. It will run from 10.00am to 4.30pm, with the option of staying on for Mass at 4.30pm. Cost €50 (with lunch)
To book please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Time Out Weekend Retreat for Young Adults: The YCW Time Out Weekend Retreat will take place from Fri 24th – Sun 26th of September 2010 in Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This retreat promises to be a lively and uplifting experience and has been especially designed for young adults 18-30 years be they students, young workers or unemployed. Cost: Participants are asked to make a donation (no matter how big or small) towards the event depending on their means. Bookings can be made through the YCW website: Further details available from Vicky Rattigan at the YCW National Office, email: or call 01-8780291
Workers for the Vineyard: The Office of Evangelisation is supporting a training initiative in response to the repeated requests from many parishes regarding theological pastoral training for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of theology. Parishes are invited to nominate parishioners who might be interested in participating in the programme – which will then lead to an interview with Mater Dei prior to admission. Further information regarding content, timetable, costs etc – call Mater Dei 8086500 or email or
Luke 14:25-33
1 The passage is a call to both radical and practical discipleship. When have you found that in order to achieve a certain objective you had to make it a priority, and then take the practical steps necessary to reach your goal? What were the benefits to you when you did this?
2 ‘Hate’ is prophetic exaggeration for the uncompromising loyalty Jesus seeks in disciples. There may be times when people make demands in conflict with fidelity to another relationship. This can be painful. When have you found that being clear about your priorities helped you in that situation?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
The Parish Council cordially invites
all our parishioners
to a special mass in celebration of
the Silver Jubilee of the Ordination to the priesthood of
Fr. Enda Cunningham.
It will take place in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saggart on
Saturday 18th September at 7.30pm
There will be refreshments afterwards in St. Mary’s GAA Club, Saggart.
Please not that there will be no 6.30 evening mass in Holy Family Church on Saturday 18th.
The Parish Pastoral Council: The next meeting of the Councill will be on on Wednesday 8th September in St. Mary's Parochial House at 7.30pm. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please pass them on to any of the members.
PAB Tours: Papal visit to Birmingham to see the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman. Sailing at 06:45hrs on September 18th and returns at 23:45hrs on September 19th. Cost- €269 which includes Luxury Coach Transfers, Pilgrim Pack, Entrance to Cofton Park for Mass, Overnight Hotel, Dinner, Packed Breakfast on Sunday and Fully Escorted by PAB Staff. For further details phone: (01) 8733411or (approx. 23 seats left on this program)
Orlagh Retreat Centre: ‘Be the Change’ Saturday, September 4th, 11am-4pm. A symposium led by members of the Be the Change Team. This symposium helps people to come to a deeper understanding of where we are as a society, how we got here, and what we must do if we want to see an ecologically sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling life. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee provided. Donations accepted.
To book for this event please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Day for Yourself: The monthly Day for yourself in Orlagh Retreat Centre will be held on Saturday, September 11. The theme is Love that will not give up and will be led by Dr. Bernadette Toal and Fr. John Byrne. It will have the usual relaxing combination of guided meditation, food for thought, time on your own, gospel reflection, and prayer. It will run from 10.00am to 4.30pm, with the option of staying on for Mass at 4.30pm. Cost €50 (with lunch)
To book please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Time Out Weekend Retreat for Young Adults: The YCW Time Out Weekend Retreat will take place from Fri 24th – Sun 26th of September 2010 in Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This retreat promises to be a lively and uplifting experience and has been especially designed for young adults 18-30 years be they students, young workers or unemployed. Cost: Participants are asked to make a donation (no matter how big or small) towards the event depending on their means. Bookings can be made through the YCW website: Further details available from Vicky Rattigan at the YCW National Office, email: or call 01-8780291
Workers for the Vineyard: The Office of Evangelisation is supporting a training initiative in response to the repeated requests from many parishes regarding theological pastoral training for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of theology. Parishes are invited to nominate parishioners who might be interested in participating in the programme – which will then lead to an interview with Mater Dei prior to admission. Further information regarding content, timetable, costs etc – call Mater Dei 8086500 or email or
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Dear Parishioners,
No entries so far for the competition, I see. The question was: 'What is the name of the High Cross with the cats on it?' This was posted on July 14th in connection with ideas for outings over the summer.
Now I'm willing to offer a 20Euro prize (out of my own pocket, be it said, in case anyone thinks I have a Parish Expense Account!) for the first person who sends in the correct answer, let's say, by mid-September.
Donal, WebSec
No entries so far for the competition, I see. The question was: 'What is the name of the High Cross with the cats on it?' This was posted on July 14th in connection with ideas for outings over the summer.
Now I'm willing to offer a 20Euro prize (out of my own pocket, be it said, in case anyone thinks I have a Parish Expense Account!) for the first person who sends in the correct answer, let's say, by mid-September.
Donal, WebSec
Monday, 16 August 2010
Emjoy your Summer Holidays
“Dear brothers and sisters,
This Sunday's Gospel passage continues the words of Jesus to the disciples on the value of the person in the eyes of God, and the uselessness of earthly preoccupations. It is not a praise of disconnection. Rather, hearing the reassuring call of Jesus, 'Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom' (Lk 12.32), our hearts open to a hope that illumines and animates concrete existence: we have the certainty that 'the Gospel is not only a communication of things that can be known, but a communication that produces deeds and changes lives. The dark door of time, of the future, is thrown open. Whoever has hope lives differently; he is given a new life' (Spe Salvi, 2). As we read in the section of the Letter to the Hebrews of today's liturgy, Abraham presented himself with a trusting heart in the hope God opened to him: the promise of a land and 'numerous descendants' and leaving 'without knowing where he was to go,' trusting only in God (Heb 11:8-12). And Jesus in today's Gospel -- across three parables -- is illustrated as awaiting the completion of the 'blessed hope,' his coming, in urging us toward an intense life, rich in good works: 'Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy' (Lk 12:33). It is an invitation to use things without selfishness, without thirsting for possession or dominion, but according to the logic of God, the logic of concern for the other, the logic of love: as Romano Guardini summarized it, 'in the form of a relationship: starting from God, in the view of God'....
Today’s Gospel reminds us that by God’s goodness much has been given to us, and much will be required of us. During these quiet days of summer let us thank the Lord for the many blessings we have received and draw ever closer to him in prayer, in fidelity to his commandment of love, and in communion with his Body, the Church!”
This Sunday's Gospel passage continues the words of Jesus to the disciples on the value of the person in the eyes of God, and the uselessness of earthly preoccupations. It is not a praise of disconnection. Rather, hearing the reassuring call of Jesus, 'Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom' (Lk 12.32), our hearts open to a hope that illumines and animates concrete existence: we have the certainty that 'the Gospel is not only a communication of things that can be known, but a communication that produces deeds and changes lives. The dark door of time, of the future, is thrown open. Whoever has hope lives differently; he is given a new life' (Spe Salvi, 2). As we read in the section of the Letter to the Hebrews of today's liturgy, Abraham presented himself with a trusting heart in the hope God opened to him: the promise of a land and 'numerous descendants' and leaving 'without knowing where he was to go,' trusting only in God (Heb 11:8-12). And Jesus in today's Gospel -- across three parables -- is illustrated as awaiting the completion of the 'blessed hope,' his coming, in urging us toward an intense life, rich in good works: 'Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy' (Lk 12:33). It is an invitation to use things without selfishness, without thirsting for possession or dominion, but according to the logic of God, the logic of concern for the other, the logic of love: as Romano Guardini summarized it, 'in the form of a relationship: starting from God, in the view of God'....
Today’s Gospel reminds us that by God’s goodness much has been given to us, and much will be required of us. During these quiet days of summer let us thank the Lord for the many blessings we have received and draw ever closer to him in prayer, in fidelity to his commandment of love, and in communion with his Body, the Church!”
--Benedict 16
Sunday Angelus
Castel Gandolfo
8 August 2010
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Congratulations to everyone who took part
and to all the Team behind
The 4 Districts Charity Walk
on Saturday 7th August
in Aid of Irish Cancer Society
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 12:13-21
1 ‘One’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions’, said Jesus. What have you found by experience to be more important in life than possessions? What brought this home to you?
2 ‘Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.’ Perhaps you have seen how greed can lead to trouble in public life, in family life and in the personal life of individuals. What has helped you to guard against greed? What benefits have you experienced when you were less greedy?
3 The message of the parable could be summed up in saying ‘If you want to give God a laugh, tell him your plans.’ Life takes many twists and turns we do not anticipate. When have you found that you have had to change your plans because of unexpected circumstances? What has helped you to be flexible and resourceful at such times? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
National Novena in honour of Our Lady of Knock
14– 22 August
Full Details are on the Notice Board
Also see
The National Grandparents Pilgrimage will take place at Our Lady's Shrine in Knock on Sunday, 12th September. All are welcome to attend. Transport arranged by Barton Transport 01 628 6338 for Dublin/Kildare area. See for full details.
Conference to Celebrate the Year of Evangelisation
Theme: Hail Mary Full of Grace Luke 1:28. Saturday & Sunday the 7th, 8th August 2010, All Hallows College Gracepark, Drumcondra. Booking fee €25 per day or €45 for two days. For further details see full notice on or contact: Ms Nolan, 35 Edenmore Green, Raheny, D5 Email: Mobile: Bridie 087 7778179 or Karen 087 6162948
Clonmacnois Youth Festival; 12th to 15th August 2010. Inspiring talks/Live Music/Prayer. Free buses, bring a sleeping bag, Catholic youth event, 16 to 35 year olds. Donation Only. Website:
For more information contact Youth 2000 on Office: 01 6753690 Mobile: 086 302 5442 N. Ire: 0751 4820572
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Our thanks goes to all those who took part and helped organise the Raise the Roof Golf Classic in Beechpark Golf Club last Friday. It is greatly appreciated. All funds will be going to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund.
Luke 12:13-21
1 ‘One’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions’, said Jesus. What have you found by experience to be more important in life than possessions? What brought this home to you?
2 ‘Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.’ Perhaps you have seen how greed can lead to trouble in public life, in family life and in the personal life of individuals. What has helped you to guard against greed? What benefits have you experienced when you were less greedy?
3 The message of the parable could be summed up in saying ‘If you want to give God a laugh, tell him your plans.’ Life takes many twists and turns we do not anticipate. When have you found that you have had to change your plans because of unexpected circumstances? What has helped you to be flexible and resourceful at such times? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
National Novena in honour of Our Lady of Knock
14– 22 August
Full Details are on the Notice Board
Also see
The National Grandparents Pilgrimage will take place at Our Lady's Shrine in Knock on Sunday, 12th September. All are welcome to attend. Transport arranged by Barton Transport 01 628 6338 for Dublin/Kildare area. See for full details.
Conference to Celebrate the Year of Evangelisation
Theme: Hail Mary Full of Grace Luke 1:28. Saturday & Sunday the 7th, 8th August 2010, All Hallows College Gracepark, Drumcondra. Booking fee €25 per day or €45 for two days. For further details see full notice on or contact: Ms Nolan, 35 Edenmore Green, Raheny, D5 Email: Mobile: Bridie 087 7778179 or Karen 087 6162948
Clonmacnois Youth Festival; 12th to 15th August 2010. Inspiring talks/Live Music/Prayer. Free buses, bring a sleeping bag, Catholic youth event, 16 to 35 year olds. Donation Only. Website:
For more information contact Youth 2000 on Office: 01 6753690 Mobile: 086 302 5442 N. Ire: 0751 4820572
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Our thanks goes to all those who took part and helped organise the Raise the Roof Golf Classic in Beechpark Golf Club last Friday. It is greatly appreciated. All funds will be going to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 11:1-13
In the prayer Jesus gave us as a model, the focus is not on getting God to do what we want, but on trying to be open to what God wants: ‘Your kingdom come.’ That openness implies a trust that what God wants for us, is our good. When have you found that you benefitted when you were open to whatever happened and trusted that the Spirit was with you no matter what happened?
In the culture of the Middle East hospitality is a priority. It would be unimaginable not to help a friend. Just so, it is unimaginable that God will ignore our prayer. When you think of the reliability of God what are the images that you find helpful and that encourage you to persist in prayer?
John Byrne OSA (intercom)
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Our thanks goes to all those who took part and helped organise the Raise the Roof Golf Classic in Beechpark Golf Club last Friday. It is greatly appreciated. All funds will be going to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund.
Conference to Celebrate the Year of EvangelisationTheme: Hail Mary Full of Grace Luke 1:28. Saturday & Sunday the 7th, 8th August 2010, All Hallows College Gracepark, Drumcondra. Booking fee €25 per day or €45 for two days. For further details see full notice on or contact: Ms Nolan, 35 Edenmore Green, Raheny, D5 Email: Mobile: Bridie 087 7778179 or Karen 087 6162948
Celebrating Grandparents
Grandparents in Dublin will celebrate the feast day of the grandparents of Jesus with a special Grandparents Mass in Newman University Church, St Stephen’s Green. Mass will take place at 11am on Sunday, July 25th, one day before the feast day of St Joachim and St Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Further details are available on
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not travelled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Luke 11:1-13
In the prayer Jesus gave us as a model, the focus is not on getting God to do what we want, but on trying to be open to what God wants: ‘Your kingdom come.’ That openness implies a trust that what God wants for us, is our good. When have you found that you benefitted when you were open to whatever happened and trusted that the Spirit was with you no matter what happened?
In the culture of the Middle East hospitality is a priority. It would be unimaginable not to help a friend. Just so, it is unimaginable that God will ignore our prayer. When you think of the reliability of God what are the images that you find helpful and that encourage you to persist in prayer?
John Byrne OSA (intercom)
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Our thanks goes to all those who took part and helped organise the Raise the Roof Golf Classic in Beechpark Golf Club last Friday. It is greatly appreciated. All funds will be going to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund.
Conference to Celebrate the Year of EvangelisationTheme: Hail Mary Full of Grace Luke 1:28. Saturday & Sunday the 7th, 8th August 2010, All Hallows College Gracepark, Drumcondra. Booking fee €25 per day or €45 for two days. For further details see full notice on or contact: Ms Nolan, 35 Edenmore Green, Raheny, D5 Email: Mobile: Bridie 087 7778179 or Karen 087 6162948
Celebrating Grandparents
Grandparents in Dublin will celebrate the feast day of the grandparents of Jesus with a special Grandparents Mass in Newman University Church, St Stephen’s Green. Mass will take place at 11am on Sunday, July 25th, one day before the feast day of St Joachim and St Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Further details are available on
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not travelled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Come join us for our Parish Golf Classic in aid of the Raise the Roof Campaign in aid of the Saggart Church Restoration Fund
Beech Park Golf Club
Friday 23rd July 2010
4 Person Team Tee 10am to 1pm and 2.14pm to 4.15pm
(includes Meals/prizes) Morning e200—Afternoon 300e
Contact Rita Hayes at 4580276 or 087 6898845
Or Eamonn Burke at 4589376 or 087 2059003
All proceeds to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Summer Outings
Two ideas here for outings which I enjoyed recently. They both give great insight into our history. There's nothing to replace actually visiting important places and seeing objects that speak for a past that is remote in one sense but in another, very real sense, is connected to each of us as Irish people today.
Get the Luas from Tallaght and get off at the Museum. To my shame I admit that I visited it for the first time last week. It's a wonderful set of buildings to begin with, laid out round a hugely impressive square, obviously where soldiers trooped up and down in ages past. The exhibition on at the moment is devoted to Irish High Crosses. About six of the Crosses from the 9th century on are arranged in life-sized form in the exhibition space. They are replicas that were made at the beginning of the 20th century. Seeing them all together makes for an impressive sight and you just have to wonder at the meaning of it all, of the crosses themselves, of the monasteries of the time (Clonmacnoise, Monasterboice etc.), of religion then, and religion today.
And talking of monasteries leads to the second idea for a summer outing. We're very nicely situated here in Saggart/Rathcoole (and even more so in Brittas) for getting into the Wicklow mountains. It takes a little over an hour to drive to Glendalough. My wife and I went there recently during the week when it was quiet enough and were amazed that parking (Lower Carpark) is FREE, and that it's only 3Euro into the Interpretative Centre. Again, one cannot but be struck at the wonder of it all, the medieval paved entrance, the round tower, St Kevin's Church etc. And then the High Cross, this time in the Centre, for protection.
So Ireland is there for our discovery over the coming months, the beaches, yes (of course, and may it be sunny!), the golf courses maybe for others, and then quieter places that remind us of our past.
Enjoy the summer wherever you go.
QUESTION: What is the name of the High Cross with the cats on it?
Get the Luas from Tallaght and get off at the Museum. To my shame I admit that I visited it for the first time last week. It's a wonderful set of buildings to begin with, laid out round a hugely impressive square, obviously where soldiers trooped up and down in ages past. The exhibition on at the moment is devoted to Irish High Crosses. About six of the Crosses from the 9th century on are arranged in life-sized form in the exhibition space. They are replicas that were made at the beginning of the 20th century. Seeing them all together makes for an impressive sight and you just have to wonder at the meaning of it all, of the crosses themselves, of the monasteries of the time (Clonmacnoise, Monasterboice etc.), of religion then, and religion today.
And talking of monasteries leads to the second idea for a summer outing. We're very nicely situated here in Saggart/Rathcoole (and even more so in Brittas) for getting into the Wicklow mountains. It takes a little over an hour to drive to Glendalough. My wife and I went there recently during the week when it was quiet enough and were amazed that parking (Lower Carpark) is FREE, and that it's only 3Euro into the Interpretative Centre. Again, one cannot but be struck at the wonder of it all, the medieval paved entrance, the round tower, St Kevin's Church etc. And then the High Cross, this time in the Centre, for protection.
So Ireland is there for our discovery over the coming months, the beaches, yes (of course, and may it be sunny!), the golf courses maybe for others, and then quieter places that remind us of our past.
Enjoy the summer wherever you go.
QUESTION: What is the name of the High Cross with the cats on it?
Friday, 9 July 2010
Some of the Lastest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 10:25-17
1 Today’s Gospel brings us right to the heart of what a Christian life involves: love of God and of neighbour. Jesus tells us that having life both now and in the future is the fruit of living in a spirit of love. How have you experienced the power of love given and received to be a source of life and vitality?
2 With media today we are brought face to face with suffering, poverty and hunger so vast that it can engender a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. What the parable challenges us about is how we react when we come face to face with a person in need. We may sometimes try to avoid getting involved. Recall when you overcame this reaction and reached out to help. What did that do for you, and for the other person?
3 Bring to mind the people who have been an inspiration to you by the care and attention they have given to others. John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Beech Park Golf Club
Friday 23rd July 2010
4 Person Team Tee 10am to 1pm and 2.14pm to 4.15pm
(includes Meals/prizes) Morning e200—Afternoon 300e
Contact Rita Hayes at 4580276 or 087 6898845
Or Eamonn Burke at 4589376 or 087 2059003
All proceeds to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet.
All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day.
This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not travelled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Heart of St. Camillus Visit to Ireland July 2010
Patron Saint of the Sick
and Those who Care for them.
Thursday July 15th Mater Hospital 1.00pm Mass
July 16th Pro-Cathedral, 7.30 Mass
Conference to Celebrate the Year of Evangelisation
Theme: Hail Mary Full of Grace Luke 1:28. Saturday & Sunday the 7th, 8th August 2010, All Hallows College Gracepark, Drumcondra. Booking fee €25 per day or €45 for two days. For further details see full notice on or contact: Ms Nolan, 35 Edenmore Green, Raheny, D5 Email: Mobile: Bridie 087 7778179 or Karen 087 6162948
Blessing of the Graves
Thank you to all who took part in the blessing of the graves last Sunday. Thank God the weather was kind to us. Be assured that your loved ones always remain in our prayers.
Luke 10:25-17
1 Today’s Gospel brings us right to the heart of what a Christian life involves: love of God and of neighbour. Jesus tells us that having life both now and in the future is the fruit of living in a spirit of love. How have you experienced the power of love given and received to be a source of life and vitality?
2 With media today we are brought face to face with suffering, poverty and hunger so vast that it can engender a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. What the parable challenges us about is how we react when we come face to face with a person in need. We may sometimes try to avoid getting involved. Recall when you overcame this reaction and reached out to help. What did that do for you, and for the other person?
3 Bring to mind the people who have been an inspiration to you by the care and attention they have given to others. John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Raise the Roof Golf Classic
Beech Park Golf Club
Friday 23rd July 2010
4 Person Team Tee 10am to 1pm and 2.14pm to 4.15pm
(includes Meals/prizes) Morning e200—Afternoon 300e
Contact Rita Hayes at 4580276 or 087 6898845
Or Eamonn Burke at 4589376 or 087 2059003
All proceeds to the Saggart Church Restoration Fund
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet.
All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day.
This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not travelled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Heart of St. Camillus Visit to Ireland July 2010
Patron Saint of the Sick
and Those who Care for them.
Thursday July 15th Mater Hospital 1.00pm Mass
July 16th Pro-Cathedral, 7.30 Mass
Conference to Celebrate the Year of Evangelisation
Theme: Hail Mary Full of Grace Luke 1:28. Saturday & Sunday the 7th, 8th August 2010, All Hallows College Gracepark, Drumcondra. Booking fee €25 per day or €45 for two days. For further details see full notice on or contact: Ms Nolan, 35 Edenmore Green, Raheny, D5 Email: Mobile: Bridie 087 7778179 or Karen 087 6162948
Blessing of the Graves
Thank you to all who took part in the blessing of the graves last Sunday. Thank God the weather was kind to us. Be assured that your loved ones always remain in our prayers.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Blessing of the Graves - Saggart Cemetery
You are very welcome to join us for the annual blessing of the Graves in Saggart Cemetery
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
Unfortunately, due to financial cut-backs, the Council have not cleaned up the graveyard in time. It is far from ideal. Of those who will attend, we ask of your patience.
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
Some of the Latest News of our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
1 Jesus sent out his disciples on a mission to let people know ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ Recall when you have reached out to another in word or in deed to help them realise that they were cherished, perhaps by a word of sympathy or encouragement, or by giving a hand with a difficult task. What was it like for you to experience yourself as a person bringing help and encouragement to another?
2 Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. When have you found it beneficial not to be working alone, but with another by your side? What difference did it make to how you felt, or to what you were able to achieve? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Blessing of the Graves
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
Unfortunately, due to financial cut-backs, the Council still have not cleaned up the graveyard in time. It is far from ideal. Of those who will attend, we ask of your patience.
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet.
All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day.
This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Pilgrimage to Lourdes
We welcome back all those from our Parish on pilgrimage to Lourdes —by all accounts it was a wonderful few days.
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not travelled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The local branch will be having its monthly meeting next Friday
at 6.30 in Rathcoole Church.
All are welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Eucharistic adoration takes place every Friday between 7.30 and 8.30.
It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quiet time in the presence of God.
You will be very welcome.
Luke 10:1-12, 17-20
1 Jesus sent out his disciples on a mission to let people know ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ Recall when you have reached out to another in word or in deed to help them realise that they were cherished, perhaps by a word of sympathy or encouragement, or by giving a hand with a difficult task. What was it like for you to experience yourself as a person bringing help and encouragement to another?
2 Jesus sent the disciples out two by two. When have you found it beneficial not to be working alone, but with another by your side? What difference did it make to how you felt, or to what you were able to achieve? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Blessing of the Graves
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
Unfortunately, due to financial cut-backs, the Council still have not cleaned up the graveyard in time. It is far from ideal. Of those who will attend, we ask of your patience.
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet.
All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day.
This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Pilgrimage to Lourdes
We welcome back all those from our Parish on pilgrimage to Lourdes —by all accounts it was a wonderful few days.
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not travelled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society
The local branch will be having its monthly meeting next Friday
at 6.30 in Rathcoole Church.
All are welcome.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Eucharistic adoration takes place every Friday between 7.30 and 8.30.
It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quiet time in the presence of God.
You will be very welcome.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Welcome home to all our Pilgrims who where in Lourdes during the past week. We hope that you enjoyed your time at the Grotto and prayed for us as we prayed for you.
Friday, 25 June 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
Luke 9:51-62
1 In the opening verse Jesus is portrayed as having a new sense of clarity about his life that enables him to set out on the road ‘resolutely’. Perhaps there have been such moments in your life, moments of insight and clarity about the road ahead. Recall such moments and what they were like for you.
2 As he walked the road Jesus found that not everyone supported the journey he was making. Some of his friends were angry and wanted to hit back, but Jesus restrained them. What has helped you to cope with opposition you have met in your life and continue your journey.
3 The response of Jesus to prospective followers seems harsh. He lets the first man know that discipleship is not a path to a comfortable nest. It is a way in which we never know what is going to be asked of us next. The disciple must be ready to move on. Where have you found good news in being open to change, confident in the presence of Jesus with you? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Blessing of the Graves
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
Unfortunately, due to financial cut-backs, the Council have been restricted in their capacity to tidy up the graveyards under their jurisdiction, including Saggart Cemetery. With the fine weather spell we are having, perhaps this may be a good opportunity for you and your family to tend to your family grave.
Please Give a Donation for Life
On behalf of The Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland, our appreciation and thanks go to you for your generosity. 2004 euro was raised.
Thanks again.
Gospel of Luke
The June e-zine to accompany a common reading of the Gospel of Luke can now be downloaded on Lots of resources are there to help you understand this wonderful book all the more.
Record Breakers
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event.
It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet.
All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
We pray for all those from our Parish on pilgrimage to Lourdes this week—may they return safely after a wonderful week together.
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not traveled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. The Parish would like to help fund two young people go—contact one of the Parish Team if you are interested! Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance). For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangelisation, or at 018087538. Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 9:18-24
1 Jesus asks the disciples how people understand who he is and then asks them ‘Who do you say I am?’ How would you answer that question? What title or description would you give to describe who Jesus is for you?
2 Jesus goes on to teach his followers that discipleship is not about fame and honour. It is about living gospel values and will involve suffering, but that suffering will be a prelude to new life. When have you found that living gospel values was indeed costly but that you were glad you had paid that price?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The tickets for Pilgrims to Lourdes will be issued by the Travel Agent directly and will be sent by post to those travelling in the coming week. A meeting for all those travelling will take place in Rathcoole Church at 7.00 pm Monday 21sr to discuss details.
Cemetry Sunday
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
The Council inform us that their resources are stretched and may not have the graveyard fully tidied up in time. So with the stretch in the days and the warm weather we are enjoying, we would like to encourage as many as possible to take a little time to tidy up the graves of their loved ones.
St. Joseph's Young Priests Society
St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society are having a pilgrimage to Knock on Sat 26th June. You will be very welcome to join us.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. The Parish would like to help fund two young people go—contact one of the Parish Team if you are interested!
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangelisation, or at 018087538 Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet. All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
Luke 9:18-24
1 Jesus asks the disciples how people understand who he is and then asks them ‘Who do you say I am?’ How would you answer that question? What title or description would you give to describe who Jesus is for you?
2 Jesus goes on to teach his followers that discipleship is not about fame and honour. It is about living gospel values and will involve suffering, but that suffering will be a prelude to new life. When have you found that living gospel values was indeed costly but that you were glad you had paid that price?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The tickets for Pilgrims to Lourdes will be issued by the Travel Agent directly and will be sent by post to those travelling in the coming week. A meeting for all those travelling will take place in Rathcoole Church at 7.00 pm Monday 21sr to discuss details.
Cemetry Sunday
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
The Council inform us that their resources are stretched and may not have the graveyard fully tidied up in time. So with the stretch in the days and the warm weather we are enjoying, we would like to encourage as many as possible to take a little time to tidy up the graves of their loved ones.
St. Joseph's Young Priests Society
St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society are having a pilgrimage to Knock on Sat 26th June. You will be very welcome to join us.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. The Parish would like to help fund two young people go—contact one of the Parish Team if you are interested!
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangelisation, or at 018087538 Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet. All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
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