Friday, 25 June 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
Luke 9:51-62
1 In the opening verse Jesus is portrayed as having a new sense of clarity about his life that enables him to set out on the road ‘resolutely’. Perhaps there have been such moments in your life, moments of insight and clarity about the road ahead. Recall such moments and what they were like for you.
2 As he walked the road Jesus found that not everyone supported the journey he was making. Some of his friends were angry and wanted to hit back, but Jesus restrained them. What has helped you to cope with opposition you have met in your life and continue your journey.
3 The response of Jesus to prospective followers seems harsh. He lets the first man know that discipleship is not a path to a comfortable nest. It is a way in which we never know what is going to be asked of us next. The disciple must be ready to move on. Where have you found good news in being open to change, confident in the presence of Jesus with you? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Blessing of the Graves
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
Unfortunately, due to financial cut-backs, the Council have been restricted in their capacity to tidy up the graveyards under their jurisdiction, including Saggart Cemetery. With the fine weather spell we are having, perhaps this may be a good opportunity for you and your family to tend to your family grave.
Please Give a Donation for Life
On behalf of The Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland, our appreciation and thanks go to you for your generosity. 2004 euro was raised.
Thanks again.
Gospel of Luke
The June e-zine to accompany a common reading of the Gospel of Luke can now be downloaded on Lots of resources are there to help you understand this wonderful book all the more.
Record Breakers
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event.
It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet.
All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
We pray for all those from our Parish on pilgrimage to Lourdes this week—may they return safely after a wonderful week together.
The Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: takes place from 7th-12th Sept and we are looking for Parishes to nominate sick people who have not traveled as sick before. For further information please contact Geraldine or John in the Lourdes Office 01 8376820.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. The Parish would like to help fund two young people go—contact one of the Parish Team if you are interested! Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance). For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangelisation, or at 018087538. Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 9:18-24
1 Jesus asks the disciples how people understand who he is and then asks them ‘Who do you say I am?’ How would you answer that question? What title or description would you give to describe who Jesus is for you?
2 Jesus goes on to teach his followers that discipleship is not about fame and honour. It is about living gospel values and will involve suffering, but that suffering will be a prelude to new life. When have you found that living gospel values was indeed costly but that you were glad you had paid that price?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The tickets for Pilgrims to Lourdes will be issued by the Travel Agent directly and will be sent by post to those travelling in the coming week. A meeting for all those travelling will take place in Rathcoole Church at 7.00 pm Monday 21sr to discuss details.
Cemetry Sunday
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
The Council inform us that their resources are stretched and may not have the graveyard fully tidied up in time. So with the stretch in the days and the warm weather we are enjoying, we would like to encourage as many as possible to take a little time to tidy up the graves of their loved ones.
St. Joseph's Young Priests Society
St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society are having a pilgrimage to Knock on Sat 26th June. You will be very welcome to join us.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. The Parish would like to help fund two young people go—contact one of the Parish Team if you are interested!
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangelisation, or at 018087538 Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet. All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
Luke 9:18-24
1 Jesus asks the disciples how people understand who he is and then asks them ‘Who do you say I am?’ How would you answer that question? What title or description would you give to describe who Jesus is for you?
2 Jesus goes on to teach his followers that discipleship is not about fame and honour. It is about living gospel values and will involve suffering, but that suffering will be a prelude to new life. When have you found that living gospel values was indeed costly but that you were glad you had paid that price?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The tickets for Pilgrims to Lourdes will be issued by the Travel Agent directly and will be sent by post to those travelling in the coming week. A meeting for all those travelling will take place in Rathcoole Church at 7.00 pm Monday 21sr to discuss details.
Cemetry Sunday
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
The Council inform us that their resources are stretched and may not have the graveyard fully tidied up in time. So with the stretch in the days and the warm weather we are enjoying, we would like to encourage as many as possible to take a little time to tidy up the graves of their loved ones.
St. Joseph's Young Priests Society
St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society are having a pilgrimage to Knock on Sat 26th June. You will be very welcome to join us.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. The Parish would like to help fund two young people go—contact one of the Parish Team if you are interested!
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangelisation, or at 018087538 Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet. All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Newcastle Parish Pioneer Pilgrimage to Knock
All are welcome to the Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday 18th July
Cost: Adults 20e Students/Children 10e
Contact for booking Maureen Kenny 01 4589977
Rita Doolan 01 4589481
The Collection Point will be at the Poitin Still
Full details are on the Notice Board
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Prayer for Examination Students
Lord, as I prepare to study
send your Holy Spirit to guide me.
Keep me calm.
Help me do the best I can on the day of my exam.
Give me peace, understanding and wisdom.
Be with me today and always.
Best of Luck to all the students of our Parish who are doing exams at this time!
send your Holy Spirit to guide me.
Keep me calm.
Help me do the best I can on the day of my exam.
Give me peace, understanding and wisdom.
Be with me today and always.
Best of Luck to all the students of our Parish who are doing exams at this time!
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Some of the Latest News of Our Parish
seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 9:11-17
The miracle is symbolic of the abundance of blessings coming to us from God through Jesus. How has your faith in Jesus been a source of nourishment to you? What blessings have you received through your faith? 3 When the disciples became aware of the problem they wanted to send the crowd away and Jesus told them ‘You give them something to eat’. They thought what they had was insufficient but Jesus used the little they had to feed the crowd. Have you ever found that when you give the little you have to a situation, the results were beyond your expectations? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Cemetery Sunday
Cemetry Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting). To let you know, Newcastle will be on Sunday 13th June and Bohernabreena will be on Sunday 20th June
A word of Appreciation
Every good blessing go to everyone who celebrated the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. A special thank you goes to all the parents involved in the Do This in Memory and You shall be My Witnesses Programmes. Thank you also goes to Sean, our Pastoral Worker for his dedication.
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet. All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Bereavement Support Volunteer
The Bereavement Service at Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross is recruiting for bereavement support volunteers. The volunteers will provide bereavement support to adults attending the bereavement service. Good communication skills and an interest in working with bereaved people are essential requirements.
No previous training is required as full training will be given to successful applicants. For more information please contact Ann D’Arcy, Bereavement coordinator on 01-4068794 or Julia Brent, Administrator in Bereavement 01-406884
Luke 9:11-17
The miracle is symbolic of the abundance of blessings coming to us from God through Jesus. How has your faith in Jesus been a source of nourishment to you? What blessings have you received through your faith? 3 When the disciples became aware of the problem they wanted to send the crowd away and Jesus told them ‘You give them something to eat’. They thought what they had was insufficient but Jesus used the little they had to feed the crowd. Have you ever found that when you give the little you have to a situation, the results were beyond your expectations? John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Cemetery Sunday
Cemetry Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church will be followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting). To let you know, Newcastle will be on Sunday 13th June and Bohernabreena will be on Sunday 20th June
A word of Appreciation
Every good blessing go to everyone who celebrated the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. A special thank you goes to all the parents involved in the Do This in Memory and You shall be My Witnesses Programmes. Thank you also goes to Sean, our Pastoral Worker for his dedication.
4 Districts Charity Walk
"The Organisers of the 4 Districts Charity Walk are pleased to announce the date for this years Event. It will take place on Saturday 7th August and all are welcome to participate. The format is the same as last year, with a few interesting updates. This year we will be joined by the FM104 RoadHog, The Rathcoole Perk Coffee Shop and Go Karting for the kids. All the kids stuff is free and Adults can by their Tickets from Ticketmaster by phone or Internet. All the details are on our new website - The tickets are being sold through Ticketmaster for security reasons and no cash will be accepted on the day. This year we are aiming to smash our World Record, with 10,000 Walkers the Target!!!!! So book your tickets early and we look forward to seeing you there. If you can't make it on the day due to holidays, please buy a ticket to show your support, it is all for a worthy cause."
Bereavement Support Volunteer
The Bereavement Service at Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross is recruiting for bereavement support volunteers. The volunteers will provide bereavement support to adults attending the bereavement service. Good communication skills and an interest in working with bereaved people are essential requirements.
No previous training is required as full training will be given to successful applicants. For more information please contact Ann D’Arcy, Bereavement coordinator on 01-4068794 or Julia Brent, Administrator in Bereavement 01-406884
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Corpus Christi
The evening will include representatives from many Diocesan agencies and organisations and lay groups. There will be music from the Diocesan Music group with the Dublin Brass ensemble. There will be particular emphasis on pastoral preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin 2012. Further information is available on and
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