seeing your life through the lens of the gospels
Luke 14:25-33
1 The passage is a call to both radical and practical discipleship. When have you found that in order to achieve a certain objective you had to make it a priority, and then take the practical steps necessary to reach your goal? What were the benefits to you when you did this?
2 ‘Hate’ is prophetic exaggeration for the uncompromising loyalty Jesus seeks in disciples. There may be times when people make demands in conflict with fidelity to another relationship. This can be painful. When have you found that being clear about your priorities helped you in that situation?
John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
The Parish Council cordially invites
all our parishioners
to a special mass in celebration of
the Silver Jubilee of the Ordination to the priesthood of
Fr. Enda Cunningham.
It will take place in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saggart on
Saturday 18th September at 7.30pm
There will be refreshments afterwards in St. Mary’s GAA Club, Saggart.
Please not that there will be no 6.30 evening mass in Holy Family Church on Saturday 18th.
The Parish Pastoral Council: The next meeting of the Councill will be on on Wednesday 8th September in St. Mary's Parochial House at 7.30pm. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please pass them on to any of the members.
PAB Tours: Papal visit to Birmingham to see the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman. Sailing at 06:45hrs on September 18th and returns at 23:45hrs on September 19th. Cost- €269 which includes Luxury Coach Transfers, Pilgrim Pack, Entrance to Cofton Park for Mass, Overnight Hotel, Dinner, Packed Breakfast on Sunday and Fully Escorted by PAB Staff. For further details phone: (01) 8733411or (approx. 23 seats left on this program)
Orlagh Retreat Centre: ‘Be the Change’ Saturday, September 4th, 11am-4pm. A symposium led by members of the Be the Change Team. This symposium helps people to come to a deeper understanding of where we are as a society, how we got here, and what we must do if we want to see an ecologically sustainable, socially just and spiritually fulfilling life. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee provided. Donations accepted.
To book for this event please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Day for Yourself: The monthly Day for yourself in Orlagh Retreat Centre will be held on Saturday, September 11. The theme is Love that will not give up and will be led by Dr. Bernadette Toal and Fr. John Byrne. It will have the usual relaxing combination of guided meditation, food for thought, time on your own, gospel reflection, and prayer. It will run from 10.00am to 4.30pm, with the option of staying on for Mass at 4.30pm. Cost €50 (with lunch)
To book please contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193; E-mail:
Time Out Weekend Retreat for Young Adults: The YCW Time Out Weekend Retreat will take place from Fri 24th – Sun 26th of September 2010 in Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. This retreat promises to be a lively and uplifting experience and has been especially designed for young adults 18-30 years be they students, young workers or unemployed. Cost: Participants are asked to make a donation (no matter how big or small) towards the event depending on their means. Bookings can be made through the YCW website: Further details available from Vicky Rattigan at the YCW National Office, email: or call 01-8780291
Workers for the Vineyard: The Office of Evangelisation is supporting a training initiative in response to the repeated requests from many parishes regarding theological pastoral training for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of theology. Parishes are invited to nominate parishioners who might be interested in participating in the programme – which will then lead to an interview with Mater Dei prior to admission. Further information regarding content, timetable, costs etc – call Mater Dei 8086500 or email or