Friday, 23 December 2011

The Crib in St Mary's, Saggart

Junction 4

To view Junction 4 - the common Parish Newsletter of the Parishes of Newcastle, and Saggart, Rathcoole and Brittas please Click here

Details of the Christmas timetable below. You will always be welcome at our Parish 

Every blessing of Christmas to you and yours! 

Friday, 16 December 2011


Friday 16th December  7.30pm Saggart Church
PENITENTIAL SERVICE:  Tuesday 20th December 7.30pm

Saggart Church:
Saturday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
5.00pm Children's Mass
9.00pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 25th December
9.00pm and 11.30am

Rathcoole Church:
Saturday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
6.00pm Children's Mass
10.00pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 25th December 
10.00am and 12.00pm

Saturday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
8.00pm Vigil Mass

Sunday 25th December

Saturday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
5.30pm and 7.30pm

Sunday 25th December

Saggart Church:
Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd December  After 9.30am Mass
Saturday 24th December  10.00am to 11.00am

Rathcoole Church:
Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd December  After 9.30am Mass
Saturday 24th December  11.00am to 12.00pm

Brittas Mass Centre:
Saturday 24th December  12.30pm to 1.30pm

Friday, 2 December 2011

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Thurs 8th Dec

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Thursday 8th December, is a Holy-day of Obligation when we are all invited to celebrate Mass together.  The Mass times are as follows:

Saggart  9.30am, 7.30pm (Thursday)

Rathcoole  7.00pm (Vigil Wednesday), 12.00pm, 7.00pm (Thursday)

Newcastle 10.30am, 8.00pm Thursday

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Youth 2000 Christmas Retreat

Christmas Youth Retreat

Youth 2000 Ireland will be holding their annual Christmas youth retreat in Newbridge College, Co. Kildare from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th December 2011.  Over 500 young people aged 16-35 are expected to attend this donation only event, with all newcomers welcome.  The weekend consists of an action packed programme including prayer, workshops, drama, inspirational talks, testimonies, music, games and chill out time.  It's a great opportunity to learn more about your Catholic faith and to meet other young people.  Please book online if you are interested & bring a sleeping bag if you wish to avail of on-site accommodation.  All are welcome to attend at any time over the weekend.  Retreat starts with registration on Friday at 8.00pm.  Free buses also available.  For more info check out or call 01 6753690 / 085 8289231 & see us on facebook.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

From around the Diocese

For full details see
 Fundraising concert: The Order of the Knights of St Columbanus is holding a fundraising concert on Friday 18th November in the RDS, in aid of their Christmas Day dinner for the Homeless.  The concert will feature Liam Lawton and special guests. Doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets are €20 and are available from Ticketmaster.

Service of Remembrance: The Board, Master and Staff of the Rotunda Hospital invite you to a Service of Remembrance for people who have lost a baby through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or neonatal death. The service will be held in the Pro-Cathedral on Sunday, 20th November at 3pm. Following this light refreshments will be served in the Gresham Hotel. If you have any queries please contact the Hospital Chaplain on 01 8171700.

O Sacrament Most Holy: The new CD of the Palestrina Choir – O Sacrament Most Holy – with choral music on the theme of the Eucharist is now available from the Pro-Cathedral and from Veritas. There are also reflections on the Eucharist in addition to the wide range of music to help us prepare for the Eucharistic Congress next year. If you would like to get this recording for your bookshop please contact Germaine Carlos, Manager of the Palestrina Choir (

New Notices:
 Priests listing on the website: Thanks to all of you for your patience regarding the priests listing for the new Diocesan website, which has now been published. In transferring data from the old site to the new, many inaccuracies emerged, which had to be corrected individually. We have made every effort to ensure the details published are correct, but it is possible, there may still be issues, for example, where priests have recently moved and may have new phone numbers or extra appointments or duties. If you can, please check your details and contact us at communications@dublindiocese.iewith any changes.

Palestrina Christmas Concert: The Palestrina Choir of St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral will host their annual and festive Christmas Concert on December 8th next in the RDS. Tickets – already proving very popular – are available from  (search for “Palestrina” on Ticketmaster site searchbox).

Workshop for Altar Servers: The Liturgy Resource Centre will hold a workshop for Altar Servers, on Saturday 19th November in  Clonliffe College from 10.00am – 1.00pm. The workshop is for those engaged with the training and formation of Altar Servers (not the servers themselves). This session will cover best practice from both liturgical and child safeguarding perspectives.

The Blessed John Paul II Theological Society: invites you to a talk by Fr Joseph Carola, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome tonight (Monday 14th November) at 8pm in Renehan Hall, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. The talk will look at the development, controversies and importance of the Second Vatican Council. All are welcome.

Mondays of Advent: Every Monday during advent beginning on 28th November, a reflection and prayer on the following Sunday’s gospel takes place from 6.00pm-6.45pm in the Ignatian Room, Gardiner St Church, Dublin 1. This will be led by Fr Donal Neary SJ and will begin with some back-ground to the gospel and end with guided prayer on the gospel text. All are welcome.

Avila Retreat Centre:
Meditations on the poetry of St John of the Cross: A talk will be given by Dr Terence O’Reilly on the poetry of St John of the Cross on Saturday 10th December from 10am-4pm. Suggested donation €15. For further information contact 01 6430200 or email

Monday, 14 November 2011

Happy Feast Day!

Every good blessing on all our parishioners on this the feast day of our Diocese, St. Laurence O'Toole. To learn more about him, click here.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

News from Around the Diocese

For full details see


Volunteers urgently needed for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012The 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 (IEC2012) will take place in Dublin from 10th to 17th June 2012.
Volunteers will have an integral role to play in the success of the Congress. Between two and three thousand volunteers will be needed during the week of the Congress and also to assist in preparations in the months leading up to the Congress. The Congress is now recruiting volunteers for a wide range of roles such as administration, data entry, stewards, marketing, transport, meet & greet, multimedia, pastoral preparation and much more! We need 10 people per parish from the Dublin diocese.
If you would like to get involved please visit the IEC2012 website  and fill out an online application or request an application form from the Congress office. Induction training sessions will begin 19th November in the RDS. For more information please contact the IEC2012 offices on (01) 2349900

Dublin County Choir will perform in St. John the Evangelist Church, Ballinteer on Saturday 12th November at 8pm. Part 1 - Operatic  
Favourites - Part II Britten: St. Nicolas (a dramatic and moving musical portrait of the Saint who was the inspiration for Santa Claus.
Conductor: Colin Block, including Jacek Wislocki (Tenor), Kilternan Church of Ireland Junior Choir, Echo Voices and lots more. Tickets
€15 from parish office (01 499 4203), choir members, Setanta School or at the door on the night. Bring a Cushion!

New Notices:

Walk of Light: You are invited to take part in the annual inter-church Walk of Light, on Sunday 20th November, beginning at 4pm in St. Ann’s Church of Ireland Church, Dawson Street, proceeding from there to St. Teresa’s Church, Clarendon St., and concluding atCentenary Methodist ChurchLeeson Park with prayer and refreshments. A short service of prayer will take place in each of the three churches along the route. The Walk of Light is organised each year on the Feast of Christ the King by a number of churches in the south city and Leeson St area.

Talk at All Hallows: A talk on the “The Church as patron of The Arts in the new Republic: A case study of All Hallows in the 1940s and 1950s” will take place on Wednesday 30th November at 7.30pm in All Hallows College, Drumcondra. The talk will be given by Sighle Breathnach, former curator of the National Gallery of Ireland. Admission is €10. All are welcome.

Ecclesial Movements and Communities: A new book on Ecclesial Movements and Communities written by Rev Brendan Leahy, Professor of Systematic Theology at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth is now available to purchase from www.newcitypress.comThe birth and development of the ecclesial movements has been the subject of much discussion over the past 50 years and this book provides an insightful overview of the topic.

Emmaus Retreat Centre:

Mediation in the tradition of John Main: Christian mediation, in the tradition of St Benedict and John Main takes place each Monday morning. All are welcome to attend.
Dance mediation one day workshop: A one day dance mediation workshop takes place on Saturday 12th November. This is an open dance day day. No previous dance experience required.
The Power of Now: A day of exploration and experience on The Power of Now, the best selling book by Eckhart Tolle takes place on Sunday 13th November.

If you are interested in booking a place on any of the workshops/programmes simply call Emmaus on 01-8700050 or email

Christmas service of remembrance: A Little Lifetime Foundation will hold their annual Christmas Service of Remembrance on Sunday 4th December in St Nicolas of Myra ChurchFrancis Street at 7.30pm in the presence of Archbishop Martin. This year’s special guest is Mary Black. All are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Some News from Around the Diocese

For full details see

Irish Cancer Society Ecumenical Service: The annual ecumenical service organised by the Irish Cancer Society will take place at St. Mary’s
Pro-Cathedral on Sunday 13th November at 3.30 p.m. The liturgy has been prepared by Chaplaincy Students of Mater Dei Institute of Education.
All are welcome to attend. The service will be broadcast live on the internet and can be viewed by logging on to or and following the links.

Word on the Web: The next series of three Word on Web sessions in preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress starts on November 30th.  
Each session involves listening to a podcast, a group discussion and Q&A with the presenters via phone conference.   The theme is Eucharist and the titles
of the three sessions are Nov 30: What do we Remember? Dec 7: Why do we Give Thanks? Dec 14: Who is the Body of Christ?
Twenty parishes took part in the last series and contributed to the lively phone conference at the end of each session.  If you would like to
join the growing community of participating parishes contact us.  For further details about the series and how to register see our website

The Annual Radharc Memorial Mass will take place in the Church of St. Columbanus & Gall, Milltown on Sunday 13th November at 3pm. Refreshments will be served following Mass in the Parish Pastoral Centre. This will be followed by the screening of two Radharc Films. All welcome.

Afternoon of prayer for Vocations: An afternoon of prayer for priesthood and religious life will take place on Sunday 6th November at
Clonliffe College Oratory, commencing at 2.00pm. This will conclude at 4.30pm at Mass to be celebrated by Fr Eamonn Bourke,
Diocesan Director of Vocations and Chief Chaplain to St Joseph's Young Priests Society. Further details are available from Rita Russell
who can be contacted on 01 4938965.

Advent Retreat: Two Advent Retreats take place in Ards Friary. The first takes place on Saturday 26th –Sunday 27th of November with the theme, “The Son of God is born this day.” Directed by Fr. Kieran Shorten OFM Capuchin, the retreat commences at 9.30am and concludes after lunch. The cost is ˆ85 residential and ˆ60 non-residential. The second Advent Retreat takes place on Saturday 3rd –Sunday 4th of December with the theme, “Meeting God in Advent.” Directed by Fr. Silvester O’Flynn OFM Capuchin, the retreat commences at 9.30am and concludes after lunch. The cost is ˆ85 residential and ˆ60 non-residential. For further information contact Ards Friary on 0479138909 or email
Anam Cara’s Bereavement Talk for Dads: Anam Cara is holding a bereavement talk on Wednesday 16th November in The Mornington Centre, 44a Malahide Road, Artane from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. All Anam Cara services are offered free of charge to parents.

 Dublin County Choir will perform in St. John the Evangelist Church, Ballinteer on Saturday 12th November at 8pm. Part 1 - Operatic

Favourites - Part II Britten: St. Nicolas (a dramatic and moving musical portrait of the Saint who was the inspiration for Santa Claus.
Conductor: Colin Block, including Jacek Wislocki (Tenor), Kilternan Church of Ireland Junior Choir, Echo Voices and lots more. Tickets
15 from parish office (01 499 4203), choir members, Setanta School or at the door on the night. Bring a Cushion!

O Sacrament Most Holy: The new CD of the Palestrina Choir – O Sacrament Most Holy – with choral music on the theme of the Eucharist
is now available from the Pro-Cathedral and from Veritas. There are also reflections on the Eucharist in addition to the wide range of
music to help us prepare for the Eucharistic Congress next year. If you would like to get this recording for your bookshop please contact
Germaine Carlos, Manager of the Palestrina Choir. (

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Some of the latest news from the diocese

For full details see

CD launch of the Palestrina Choir of St Mary’s Pro Cathedral: The Palestrina Choir of St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral will launch their new CD “O Sacrament Most Holy” tonight at 7.30pm. Tune in live as we will be broadcasting this event live from our website The new cd is now out and available to download from iTunes. For further information log on to All are welcome to attend.

B.E. Beginning Experience: B.E. is a support group for those coping with the pain of loss of their life partner, through death, separation or divorce. Do you find that you need more support than family and friends can provide? The next residential weekend will be held on 4th- 6th November in All Hallows College, Drumcondra. For further information please contact 01-6790556 or email

Volunteers urgently needed for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012
The 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 (IEC2012) will take place in Dublin from 10th to 17th June 2012.
Volunteers will have an integral role to play in the success of the Congress. Between two and three thousand volunteers will be needed during the week of the Congress and also to assist in preparations in the months leading up to the Congress. The Congress is now recruiting volunteers for a wide range of roles such as administration, data entry, stewards, marketing, transport, meet & greet, multimedia, pastoral preparation and much more! We need 10 people per parish from the Dublin diocese.
If you would like to get involved please visit the IEC2012 website  and fill out an online application or request an application form from the Congress office. Induction training sessions will begin 19th November in the RDS. For more information please contact the IEC2012 offices on (01) 2349900

Cemetery Mass in Sallynoggin Parish: The annual Cemetery Mass in Deansgrange Cemetery will be held on Sunday 6th November at 3.00 p.m. All are welcome.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Parish Pastoral Council

I'm sure some parishioners are curious about what the rather grandly titled Parish Pastoral Councillors actually do at their meetings. If I wasn't on the Council, I would be wondering the same thing myself. So I thought I'd report here from now on on our monthly meetings to give people an idea of the kind of matters we discuss. This won't be a transcript of the minutes, but rather a summary of the main topics.

The current members of the PPC (2009-2012) are:
  • Clergy: Fr Enda Cunningham, PP (President); Fr Aidan Kieran, CC; Fr Michael McGowan, PC
  • Parish Sister: Margaret Deegan
  • Parish Pastoral Worker: Sean O'Rourke
  • Representatives from the Three Parish Areas:
Saggart: Sally Dungan, Mary Lawless, Donal McMahon,
John Purcell (Finance Committee)
Rathcoole: Pat Corcoran (Chairperson), Cait Jacob (Secretary), John Keaney,
Carmel Kenny, Ann Mulvany
Brittas: Michael Monahan, Patricia Redmond

The idea for a website of some kind was first proposed by Fr Michael (Shortall) at a meeting in mid-2009. He said he could only help out when he could, owing to pressure of work. Donal McMahon then volunteered to help out and, with the technical help of former Rathcoole resident, Ruairi O hAilin, got this blog going in early 2010. This is an example of a PPC initiative from proposal to implementation, with the result that you see here -- far from perfect though it be.

Another, more recent, success story has been the work devoted to maintaining the parish grave-yard. It was a group of ordinary parishioners (and not primarily the PPC) who got this going. Thanks to their efforts the graveyard looked lovely for this summer's Cemetery Sunday Mass on the 3rd July.

Committee/Council work, as we all know, is often slow and tedious. There may be a long wait between the proposal and the carrying out of it. Many people in this parish do voluntary work for the Community Council, the various charity and sporting organisations etc., and well done to them all. The PCC is another such grouping where clergy and laity work together to further (how can I put this plainly and simply?) our common pursuit of a divinely promised goal ('the coming of the kingdom', 'the building up of the Body of Christ' etc, in more religious language). I suppose it all comes down in the end to simply doing something for people, being of service. And that's what we're here for, after all, isn't it?

So much, then, by way of announcing the account to be given here from now on of the main topics of the monthly Pastoral Council meeting.

Donal, Web Sec and PPC member.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Local Retreats

Saturday, 12th November, 10.00am-4.30pm
The monthly DAY FOR YOURSELF in Orlagh on Saturday, November 12th has the theme Enriching our lives and the lives of others.  It will explore the potential and opportunities we have to develop our own gifts and in doing so make a difference to those around us.   The day will be led by Dr. Bernadette Toal and Fr. John Byrne.  There will be an opportunity for Mass at 4.30pm.  (€50 including a full lunch)
Sunday, 13th November 2011, 10.00am-5.00pm
SCRIPTURE DAY: Sean Goan will conduct his annual introduction to the gospel of the following year under the heading The Eucharistic Community in the Gospel of Mark.  All who have heard Sean know that they will get an informed, enlightening and entertaining day.  Mass will be included in the day.  (€55)
For further information and booking contact
Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh, Old Court Road, Dublin 16.  
Tel: (01) 495 8190  Email:   Website

Monday, 17 October 2011

Some of the Latest News from Around the Diocese

The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir: will be in concert in Church of St Laurence O’Toole, Baldoyle, on Wednesday, Oct 19th at 8 pm. The concert is in aid of Baldoyle Family Resource Services. Admission is €10 (concessions €8). Full details on

St. Mochta’s Concert: Mary Flynn, Soprano, together with Harpists Mary & Teresa O’Donnell have come together with friends for Songs for a Winters Evening’ II. All proceeds will be donated to the Dublin 15 Hospice and The Rise Foundation. The concert will take place in St. Mochta’s Church on Friday 21st October at 8pm. Tickets €15 available from the Parish Office between 9.30am and 12.30pm Mon-Fri, from the Sacristy after all Masses or please contact Sally at  085 2869380 or Mary at 087 2585398.  

Trip to the Holy Land: Due to late cancellations a number of places are available on the St. Fintan's Parish Sutton trip to the Holy Land taking place from the 28th of October to 5th November.  Spiritual Director: Fr. Liam Lacey.  Cost: €1,249 plus taxes and insurance.  Please contact Map Travel on 01 8783111.

New notices:

Cursillo Retreat for Young Men: Cursillo is a movement within the Church that helps people to encounter God and to follow Him by deepening their faith and commitment to the Gospel. Bishop Eamonn Walsh and Fr. Martin Hughes, school chaplain in St. Mark’s Tallaght are looking for young men aged between 25-40 to consider a Cursillo retreat. The first retreat will take place in Los Angeles from 19th to 22nd January and will involve a group of approximately 10 men from Dublin leaving on the 14th January and returning 24th and who then will help run the later retreat in Dublin. The Dublin retreat will take place from the 8th to 12th March for a group of 30-40 young men. If you are able to identify someone who might be interested, all queries can be made with Fr. Martin on 086 3253430 or . The deadline is end of October 2011 for the January retreat. More information is available from the Office of Evangelisation on

Gardiner Street Church: 'Gathering of Missionaries' - Eucharist Celebrations, takes place on Sunday October 23: Celebration of Mission Sunday. Mass 11am -Parish Mass. Celebrant: Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.

Mission Sunday at Mass 7.30 pm with Gardiner Street Gospel Choir, Mass Celebrant PP; Homily Mr Ronan Barry (Mission Alive).

Frank Duff and the Eucharist: A lecture by Dr. Finola Kennedy on 'Frank Duff and the Eucharist' takes place on Wednesday 19th October at 8.30pm in the Iona Centre, Knocklyon, Dublin 16. All are welcome to attend.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Some of the Latest News from the Diocese

Avila, Carmelite Retreat Centre: A reminder of a very special concert coming up in the Avila Carmelite Centre Monday October 10th at 8.00 p.m. This is an opportunity to hear these two extraordinary performers, Deirdre Moynihan and Alec O'Leary, in the intimacy of the Retreat Centre.

Milltown Parish Pastoral Centre: Invite you to an evening of Radharc films on Monday, October 10th at 7.30pm.  Two films relating to the Synod of the Laity 1987 will be screened; Fr Bernard Haering. CSSR and Up to the Synod- Future Tense. All are welcome and post screening discussion is also welcome.

The Gardiner Street Gospel Choir: will be in Concert in Church of St Laurence O’Toole, Baldoyle, on Wednesday, Oct 19th at 8 pm.  The concert is in aid of Baldoyle Family Resource Services. Admission is €10 (concessions €8). Full details on

New Notices:

The New Child Protection Training Modules: for Priests, deacons, parish pastoral workers and Child Safeguarding Representatives, devised by the National Office for Safeguarding Children will be delivered to the parishes, deanery by deanery, throughout the diocese beginning on the 3rd of October.
Date: 8 October 2011, Venue: Monkstown Parish Centre, Deaneries: Donnybrook & Dun Laoghaire.
Date: 15 October 2011, Venue: Dominican Retreat & Pastoral Centre, Tallaght, Deanery: South Dublin
Date: 22 October 2011, Venue: Dominican Retreat & Pastoral Centre, Tallaght, Deanery: Tallaght.
If you haven’t already registered please call Geraldine Tierney at 01 8360314. Further dates to follow.

Trip to the Holy Land: Due to late cancellations a number of places are available on the St. Fintan's Parish Sutton trip to the Holy Land taking place from the 28th of October to 5th November.  Spiritual Director: Fr. Liam Lacey.  Cost: €1,249 plus taxes and insurance.  Please contact Map Travel on 01 8783111.

B.E. Beginning Experience: B.E. is a support group for those coping with the pain of loss of their life partner, through death, separation or divorce. Do you find that you need more support than family and friends can provide?
The next residential weekend will be held on 4th- 6th November in All Hallows College, Drumcondra. For further information please contact 01-6790556 or email

Major Truths Course: This course based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the truths of the Catholic Faith laying the foundations for a deeper and richer faith. Starting on Saturday 29th of October 2011 from 10.00am to 3pm and every last Saturday of each month for 6 months (excluding December) at the Faith and Family Centre, Dal Riada House, Avoca Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Cost:  €100. To register and for more information please contact: Faith and Family Centre,  Tel. 01 2889317or   email:

Marriage Enrichment Day: Attend a day that will re-energize your marriage and deepen your faith.   Put the world’s pressures on hold for a few hours and focus on the most important person in your life-your spouse! The Marriage Enrichment Day takes place in the Faith and Family Centre, Dal Riada House, Avoca Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin on Sunday 23rd October 2011 starting at 9am and ending with Mass at 5pm.  Cost per couple: €40 euro including lunch.
To register and for more information please contact: Faith and Family Centre, Tel. 01 2889317; email:

Woman’s Guided Silent Retreat: Preached by Fr Michael Mullan, LC, takes place from
28th – 31st October 2011, 7.30pm Friday evening until 3pm Monday.
Held at the Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16.
To book a place, or for more information, please contact the Faith and Family Centre, 01-2889317 or
St. Mochta’s Concert: Following last years very successful concert, Mary Flynn, Soprano, together with Harpists Mary & Teresa O’Donnell have come together with friends for ‘Songs for a Winters Evening’ II. All proceeds will be donated to the Dublin 15 Hospice and The Rise Foundation. The concert will take place in St. Mochta’s Church on Friday 21st October at 8pm. Tickets €15 available from the Parish Office between 9.30am and 12.30pm Mon-Fri, from the Sacristy after all Masses or please contact Sally at  085 2869380 or Mary at 087 2585398.   The Rise Foundation is a registered charity, founded by the singer Frances Black in 2008, focused on the family of those in addiction.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Day for Life

The theme for Day for Life 2011 is A call to solidarity and hope in difficult times. Day for Life this year reflects on what it means to lead a full and happy life. Please click here for more. 

In his 1995 Encyclical Letter, Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), the late Pope John Paul II proposed that “a day for life be celebrated each year in every country”. The primary purpose of this day should be “to foster in individual consciences, in families, in the Church, and in civil society, a recognition of the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition” (EV #85).  The Bishops of Ireland responded to this invitation by announcing an annual celebration of the Day for Life. Since 2001, the bishops have published a Pastoral Letter every October celebrating a different theme for each Day for Life.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Some News from around the Diocese

Prayer Around the Cross with Br Jean Marie: On Friday 23rd September, he will be present at a Prayer Around the Cross in St Paul's Church,
Arran Quay, Dublin 7, starting at 8.30pm. All are welcome.

Culture Night 2011: St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral – Marlborough Street, Carmelite Church - Whitefriar Street and St. Paul’s - Arran Quay are the three
Roman Catholic Churches participating in Dublin’s Culture Night– 23rd September 2011
Pro-Cathedral: 5.15 p.m. Vespers and Mass Palestrina Choir. 6.30 p.m. Singing the Psalms in various styles. 7.30 p.m. The Sacred and Secular in Dialogue
through Song (contemporary and ancient). Story (poetry and prose) and Music (organ, harp, cello, violin, flute and new chamber organ).
The evening will finish at 9.30 p.m. with a short recital of the music of Seán Ó Riada in place of Taizé style night prayer advertised which now takes place at St. Pauls.
Whitefriar Steet: offers an evening of Choir singing from 7.30pm.
St. Paul’s Arran Quay: Will host a special Taizé Prayer Service with Brother Jean Marie at 8.30pm. All are welcome.

Child Protection Training: The Child Protection training planned for the Blessington Deanery on 24th September in the Blessington Parish Centre has been postponed.
This will be rescheduled shortly.

Viatores Christi are hosting an evening entitled Cambodia Living in the Now at the Irish Aid Centre in O’Connell St. Dublin on Thurs evening 29th
September 2011, from 6.00 to 8.30 pm.  Presentations will be by Pat Mooney, a VC member who has been working in Cambodia and Thailand for
the past 10 years and Mr. Khuon Sokundy, Project Manager of Partners in Compassion, a Cambodian NGO, who are on a working visit to Ireland.   
Eilís Ryan, Trócaire Liaison Officer for Asia, will give a presentation on Trócaire’s work in Cambodia. Sally Roddy

Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Director: Fr. Brian Nolan C.Ss.R. Monday 26th September, to Tuesday 4th  Oct 2011. Mass at 10.00 am and 8.00pm
These times replace the regular Mass times for the period of the Novena. Weekday Exposition and Evening Prayer as per usual. Monastery of St Alphonsus,
St Alphonsus Road, Dublin 9. Tel: 01 830 5723 You can also join us live on the Internet via Web Camera on

Our Lady’s Choral Society: Verdi Requiem, Our Lady’s Choral Society (The Dublin Archdiocesan Choir)
With Fiona Murphy (soprano), Ulrike Schneider (mezzo-soprano), Peter Auty (tenor), John Molloy (bass)
RTE Concert Orchestra, Conductor Proinnsias Ó Duinn. Thursday 29th. September 8pm at the National Concert Hall.

Arthritis Ireland: Children with arthritis can find the most simple tasks like opening their school bag, writing their homework or walking up the
stairs extremely painful. We believe that kids with arthritis are superheros because of the challenges they have to overcome every day.
At Arthritis Ireland we work with these children and their families to develop their superpowers, helping them to see a brighter future!
Support us by selling JAsper pins and raising vital funds during October and November.
Contact Louise today on 01 6470209 / to find out how a little pin can make a BIG difference.

Courses at All Hallows: The Pathways Course: Have you ever thought about exploring your faith? Or wished that you could broaden your understanding of your faith? 
Perhaps you are feeling challenged by questions your children or grandchildren are asking about God and the meaning of faith for which you feel you have ‘no answers’. 
Perhaps you are feeling challenged by all that is happening in the Irish Church right now.  If so, Pathways may be the course for you.
Pathways is a course for adults who wish to explore their faith.  There are no exams on this course, no written work.  The only qualification is an openness to listening to others.
For more information please phone 01 8373745 or email us at

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Ger Brennan, true blue and devotion to God

By Colm Keys in The Irish Independent
Thursday September 15 2011

The 'ambition' question at the end of the personal player profiles on the the 'dubhub' section of the 'Hill 16' website throw up answers you would expect to see from a group of footballers in their 20s still striving to reach the top of their craft as a team.
Without exception, every player canvassed placed an All-Ireland title with their county as the stand-out goal; many more includedsuccess with their club as an equal priority. Few, if any, ventured outside the parameters with anything else.
Ger Brennan did, however. After success with St Vincent's and Dublin, Brennan's 'ambition' in life is to "deepen my relationship with God."
It is not uncommon for such strong spirituality and sport to mix, even in an Irish context. Ireland rugby player Andrew Trimble studied theology at Belfast Bible school and considers himself a devout Christian.
Former England wing Jason Robinson also took a spiritual path in his life after coming into closer contact with the former Samoan and New Zealand powerhouse Va'aiga Tuigamala.
For Brennan his desire to deepen his relationship with God has also manifested in a theology degree from St. Patrick's College Maynooth and his immersion in the preparations for next year's 50th Eucharistic Congress.
The Congress, staged every four years across the world, is back in Ireland for the first time in 80 years and after six days of celebration and information at the RDS it will culminate inCroke Park with an expected 80,000 congregation.
Dublin centre-back Brennan has been a key component of the preparations, acting as a pastoral assistant for the Congress' ministry to youth until recently, a task that involves delivering talks in various Dioceses across the country. Those who have heard the testimony of his faith have been impressed by his powers of communication on the subject.
On the weekend of October 14-16, he will share a platform with Tyrone manager Mickey Harte as part of the Diocese of Meath's Eucharistic Congress preparations, outlining to young people the role that God plays in his life.
Tuigamala brought a huge physical edge to his game -- the image of him smashing his way through opponents with such force was somewhat at odds with a softer spiritual side. And there is something of that contrast with Dublin's defensive enforcer too who, by his own admission, has had to overcome a discipline issue on the field to mature into the player that he is.
He takes his sport seriously. He takes his faith very seriously too. And both are leading him to 80,000-plus congregations of the faithful in Croke Park.
- Colm Keys

Monday, 12 September 2011

Junction 4

To view Junction 4 - the common Parish Newsletter of the Parishes of Newcastle, and Saggart, Rathcoole and Brittas please click here

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Former Parish Priest Fr Ciarán O’Carroll appointed as new Rector of the Irish College in Rome

Father Ciarán O’Carroll, former Parish Priest of Saggart, Rathcoole and Brittas has been appointed as Rector of the Pontifical Irish College in Rome.  
We wish him every good blessing on his future ministry. 
Father O’Carroll is the Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of Dublin and Administrator of the Catholic University Church on Saint Stephen’s Green, Dublin. 

Father O’Carroll succeeds Monsignor Liam Bergin from the Diocese of Ossory, who has been Rector of the Irish College since 2001. For more information, please click here

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Introducing the New Missal

A new edition of the Roman Missal is being introduced this year. But what is the Roman Missal?

The term “Missal” refers to the book that contains all the prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass. The scripture readings used at Mass are also part of the Missal but are published separately in the “Lectionary.”  The Missal is first written in Latin and this Latin text is then translated into the particular language of the people. In this way, while the Mass may be celebrated in many languages across the Roman Catholic world, it is the same core Latin text that is being prayed by the Church. In Ireland we have been using our current Missal since St. Patrick’s Day 1975. A new edition, the Third Edition of the Roman Missal, is coming into use in Ireland and in other English speaking countries in Autumn 2011. -prepared by the National Centre for Liturgy
Why are we getting a new edition of the Roman Missal?
The new edition of the Missal will come into full use over a period of time between September and the First Sunday of Advent 2011. The new edition is necessary for a number of reasons. Firstly, in the years since 1975 when our current Missal was published, a number of additional texts have been made available for use in the Mass. These include additional Eucharistic Prayers, some new Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Masses for over 20 new Feasts of Saints (for example St Pius of Pietrelcina – Padre Pio, Edith Stein, Maximillian Kolbe).   These and other new material now need to go into the Missal so that they can be used in our celebrations.
Secondly, in recent years Rome gave new directions for the translation of the Latin texts. Translators were asked to make the English text follow more closely the original Latin in its wording and structure. They were also asked to strengthen the Biblical language and images in the texts and to re-introduce some theological vocabulary that may have been lost over years.Across the English speaking world the new edition of the Roman Missal will, therefore, contain both new material and a new style of translation. -prepared by the National Centre for Liturgy
Is the Mass changing?
The structure of the Mass is not changing. Its order and the actions of the Mass remain unchanged. The readings at Mass are not changed. However, with the introduction of the new edition of Roman Missal we will notice a change in how the Mass sounds. The translations of a significant number of our prayer texts from the original Latin have changed – sometimes by just a change in a particular word or in the word order. Prayers that we have become used to reciting by memory will need to be relearned. Prayers that we are used to hearing the priest say will sound different to us. The style of language we will hear and pray may seem more formal to us and perhaps, in parts, more complex. But over time, with the praying of these texts, the sound of the Mass will again become familiar to us. -prepared by the National Centre for Liturgy
For More Information please click here

Monday, 5 September 2011

Some of the Latest News from around the Diocese

Remembrance Service Notice: The National Maternity Hospital is holding its Annual Remembrance Service on Sunday 2nd October 2011 at 3pm in
St. Andrew’s Church, Westland Row, Dublin 2. We warmly welcome all the parents and families of babies who have died in the hospital,
especially those during the last year (this includes miscarriages, stillbirths and neonatal deaths). Light refreshments will be served following
the Service, and there will be an opportunity to meet members of the hospital staff and other parents.  No need to book, just come along and
bring any family or friends you wish with you.  Street parking is available in the vicinity of the church on the day. If further information is required
contact the Chaplaincy Department at 6373121 or email

Child Safeguarding and Protection Training:
The new Child Protection Training Modules for Priests, deacons, parish pastoral workers and Child Safeguarding Representatives, devised by the
National Office for Safeguarding Children will be delivered to the parishes, deanery by deanery, throughout the diocese beginning on the 3rd of September.
Date: 3rd September 2011, Venue: Aras Lorcan, Arklow, Deanery: Wicklow.
Date: 17th September 2011, Venue: Kilian House Family Centre, Greystones, Deanery: Bray.
Date: 24th September 2011, Venue: Blessington Parish Centre, Deanery: Blessington.
If you haven’t already registered please call Ger Tierney at 01 8360314. Further dates to follow

Triduum to Saint Therese at Aughrim Street:  Triduum to Saint Therese will take place in the Church of the Holy Family, Aughrim Street, on 
Thursday/Friday 29th, 30th September at 10am and 7.30pm Masses,  Saturday the 1st October at the 10am and 7pm (vigil) Masses. Each evening
at Mass there will be a special homily with guest speakers.  Blessing with the Relic and Blessing of Roses at 7pm Mass on Saturday. All are welcome.

Triduum to Our Lady of the Rosary: The Call to Fatima team and the Capuchin Friary is aiming to invite people from all over Ireland to
Dublin to intercede to Our Lady of the Rosary on the 7th 8th and 9th October. The Triduum will take place in St Mary of the Angels Church Street Dublin
7. Please join us. We will be handing out over 5,000 Rosaries free and enrolling a similar number in the brown scapular during the three days.
In additional with the prayers from the Poor Clares, Redemptive Nuns, Dominican Nuns, the Carmel Nuns / priests in Ireland and the Carmel nuns in
Coimbra, Portugal, we hope to break down the indifference with the international guest speakers. See for more details

Prayer Around the Cross with Br Jean Marie: Br Jean Marie, a member of the Taize ecumenical monastic community, will be visiting Ireland at the end of this month.
On Friday 23rd  September, he will be present at a Prayer Around the Cross in St Paul's Church, Arran Quay, Dublin 7, starting at 8.30pm. All are welcome,
especially 18-35 year olds. [St Paul's is located beside CYC's main offices, the Smithfield LUAS stop is nearby, parking in Smithfield is free after 7pm].
For further information follow Taize Dublin on facebook.

YCW Handbook Now Available: Is your parish interested in engaging you adults 18 years+ in a real and meaningful way?
Do you already have a youth group who are looking for a deeper understanding of how to link their faith with their everyday life?
Do you have a Youth section of your Parish Council who could do with a little extra help?
Are there young adults in your parish who have been to World Youth Day and are now looking to expand on the experience?
If you answered yes to any of the above then the YCW Handbook is just what you need!
Free to download with training and advice available from the YCW Team, this Handbook is a must for any Parish wishing to engage young
adults in a real and meaningful way. The handbook can also be used by existing groups wishing to broaden their experience of faith in action
and develop a sense of the See, Judge, Act method.   Download the programme – or contact the YCW National Office for further
details or to request a hard copy – YCW National Office, 11 Talbot Street, Dublin 1. Tel: 01-8780291 E:

Parish request for a Statue: 4ft. Statue of St. Patrick in good condition required. Please contact Ballinteer Parish Office on 01 499 4203.

Lough Derg Upcoming Events: One Day Retreats. Places are still available on 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th September
Cost €30 per person includes boat fare, tea/coffee & scones on arrival and a light lunch.
Wednesday 7th September Reflection Day: Facilitated by Sr Maureen James, this Guided Quiet Day includes group discussion, personal
prayer and reflection and free time to enjoy the Sanctuary. Cost €35 per person includes boat fare, tea/coffee & scones on arrival and a light lunch.
Sunday 11th September 9km Pilgrim Path Walk: Lough Derg Visitors Centre starting at 12 noon – (Registration from 11:30am)
Entry Fee:  €20 Adults / €10 child (includes refreshments, t-shirt & kit bag).
RESERVATIONS ESSENTIAL.  Lough Derg Office, Pettigo, Co Donegal. Email:  Telephone:  071 9861518 (from N.I. 028 686 32391)

International Day of Peace: The International Day of Peace takes place this year on the 21st of September. The UN representative for Dublin has asked for the help of the
Churches of the diocese to ring the bells of all the churches together at 12.00 noon on the 21st of September to signify our support for Peace around the World…
For further details click here

BPW National Conference on Family Issues -“The Family in Ireland 2011, Challenge or Opportunity”.
Conference to be held in Hotel Meyrick, Galway on Thursday 22nd September commencing at 10.30am.
The conference will bring together leading national thought leaders on family law, child and family research, human rights, sociology,
consumer protection and gerontology.  A key focus of the conference will be an exploration of the rapidly changing dynamics of the family in the current society.
The conference will be officially opened by Mrs. Fionnuala Kenny, wife of An Taoiseach.
Admission costs €25(includes lunch) with a concession of €15 for students, seniors and the unwaged.
Bookings can be made by logging into and downloading the booking form. 
Or email your booking enquiry to or contact Maureen Mooney on 087-2843493.