The photos and texts below will serve as our testimony to, and memory of, a unique event. (With all photos, click to enlarge. Once one is enlarged, you can view the whole sequence in enlarged view.)
Sunday 19th Read Fr Michael Shortall's sermon here.
Wed. 22nd Mass in RDS during Pastoral Congress
Cardinal Kevin Farrell and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
Photo : Newcastle Parishioner |
Friday 24th :
Capuchin Day Centre, Bow Street
This photo was taken around 5 p.m. on Friday and shows the entrance to the Capuchin Day Centre on Bow Street. Opposite the doorway to the centre is a row of houses called St Francis Terrace. Look at the street on
google maps. Donal McMahon (writer of this account) with his wife Mary went to see the film about Pope Francis by Wim Wenders,
A Man of His Word, showing in the Lighthouse Cinema, Smithfield, that day at 6.30 p.m. We were in plenty of time, so we walked over to the Capuchin church on Church Street to see the preparations for the visit of Pope Francis the following day. We passed by the Day Centre on the way. Imagine, the central character in the film we were going to see would be coming up that very street tomorrow! The papal flags were out, as you can see, but otherwise all was quiet round the Day Centre. Pope Francis walked through that door about 24 hours later with the eyes of millions on him (in attendance and viewing on tv). See the video of that moment
here (fourth video down). The photo below (taken next day) shows the Pope on his way to the Day Centre via College Green and Dame Street.
Sat. 25th The Pope on His Way to the Day Centre
Status Civitatis Vaticanae City State of the Vatican - in Dublin City Photo : Newcastle Parishioner |
Saturday Evening In Croke Park
Ronan and Deborah McDermott With their children and Ronan's father Liam |
Sunday 26th Mass in Phoenix Park
The three fine photos above were taken by Matt O'Sullivan (Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council) who attended the Mass with his family.
Before the Mass: A Unique Fleeting Moment Captured for Ever
here (thanks to Tabitha Thompson, Newcastle)
After the Mass :
Everyone Happy
Mairin Leonard of Newcastle with Family and Friends, |
A Final Word and Summary
(from a Newcastle Parishioner)
What a wonderful gathering of families and clergy from around the world! From the official opening in the RDS on Tuesday evening to the closing Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park on Sunday evening, anybody attending any of the events could not but be impressed by the good humour and sheer joy of all who travelled from around the world to attend this amazing event.
In the RDS from Wednesday through Friday there was an incredible array of top-level speakers, experts in their fields, who spoke on a wide range of topics, pertinent to contemporary Christianity. In addition, each day there were programmes for children and teenagers, exhibitions, prayer spaces and a concelebrated Mass in the main arena. On Saturday, there was great excitement as Pope Francis made his way around the streets of Dublin in the popemobile, squeezing it in with all his other engagements on the day. Everybody was able to view on TV the once-off incredible Festival of Families from Croke Park. Then there was our second Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park – truly historic.
THANK YOU to that small organising group from the Archdiocese who worked relentlessly to provide us with this wonderful event. Thank you too to the thousands of volunteers. The photos above (and all those you took yourselves with your families) will allow us relive the personal, familial and communal joyfulness ('laetitia') that we were all blessed with over the course of those wonderful late-summer days.