What is "Gospel"?
What news has excited you recently? How has that news changed your daily life? How has it given you hope?
"City Under Siege!" screamed the headlines.
Much of what the media presents as news turns out to be nothing more than tidbits meant to shock. This shock gives us two insights. We are glad we are not the people with problems. Yet we watch and listen to the shock because we get caught up in the story. We are only affected by the shock with feelings of relief and, maybe, with the pangs of hidden guilt.
Once in while, we hear something that can change our lives for the better. Something that will affect us dramatically, nonetheless. This is "Good News."
Luke wrote a life of Jesus for someone new to the faith as "Good News." And Jesus proclaimed the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy as "Good News." Both give us insight into the reason for and the content of "Gospel."
Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council will be holding its regular meeting on February 2nd at 8.00pm in St. Mary's Parochial House, Saggart. All members are invited to attend. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please pass them on to any member.
Next Sunday the young adults preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation will formally being their journey with an Enrolment Cermony to be held next weekend at the Sunday Masses. We ask for your prayers for these young people.
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Our Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes will be taking place next year from the 26th June to the 1st July. It is always a wonderful event, full of healing, fun and the presence of God. We are looking forward to an even better pilgrimage in the coming year. Full details are on the notice board. Forms are available in the Sacristies of the Churches and the Parish Office.
The Gospel of Luke
For the attention of Parish Pastoral Councils, Priests, Sisters and Parish Pastoral Workers. You are invited to a presentation on St. Luke's Gospel in Kilcullen Parish Centre on 13th February 2010 between 10.00 am and 12.30 pm. During the morning there will be an opportunity for Parish Pastoral Councils to reflec on their needs and opportunities for ongoing formation. For further information, contact the Office of Evangelisation at 01 8379253 ext 251 or email
Fundraising for St. Mary's National School
A call for you old mobile phones. Join us in making use of your old phones. Hand them into the St. Mary's National School or place them in the box available in Saggart Church. When enough are collected, they can be transformed into interactive white boards which are invaluable for the modern classroom. Thanks for all your help.
St. Brigid's Day
The feast of St. Brigid is on the 1st of February. Considered in Ireland to be the first day of spring, it is also associated with the making of St. Brigid's crosses. You are welcome to join friends and neighbours in this long tradition by coming along to the Heritage Centre in Saggart on Sunday 24th between 2-5 pm. They will be sold after all masses the following weekend in aid of the survivors of the earthquake in Haiti. All are welcome.
In honour of Our Lady of Lourdes - February 11thInchicore-Bluebell Pastoral Area: Novena: 2nd Feb - 11th Feb (10am & 8pm) in the Church of MaryImmaculate, Inchicore. This includes: Anointing of the Sick, 6th Feb, at 12 noon, and Torchlight Procession, 11th Feb at 8pm.
Celebrate St. Brigid with stories, music, dance and the making of Brigid's crosses in the De Mazenod Centre, St. Michael's, Inchicore on Sunday 31st January at 4pm.
St. Luke's Gospel & Lectio Divina with Jane Mellett: Tues 16th Feb and Tues 23rd Feb, 7.30pm - 9pm, in the Annexe, House of Retreat, Inchicore.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).
For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangilisation, evangelisatoin@dublindiocese.ie or at 018087538
Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553,
“Did Not Our Hearts Burn within Us?” Luke: the Genius of a Storyteller
January 29-31, 2010
A Church in Crisis: Gospel Resources for the People of GodFri 5.00 pm – Sun 2.00 pm €160 (res) €110 (non-res)
Kieran O’Mahony OSA
1. What kind of Gospel is this?
2. What did Jesus proclaim?
3. Who is the Jesus of Luke’s Gospel?
4. Themes: joy, prayer, the poor, hope.
To book a place contact Fr. John Byrne OSA, Orlagh Retreat Centre, Old Court Road, Dublin 16. Tel (01) 495 8193 Email
Continuing Education Programme at All HallowsContinuing Education at All Hallows College is an ongoing programme of events comprising Courses, Workshops, Seminars, Talks and Events throughout the year. The programmes are run by the School of Adult & Community Learning at All Hallows. See
Bible Study & Lectio Divina
Beechwood Avenue Church Ranelagh Dublin 6. Beginning in February for each Tuesday:
Lection Divina: a meditation and prayer on St. Luke’s Gospel after 10 am Mass in the Church for one hour. Bible Study at 8pm in Church.
A prayerful Journey through St. Luke’s Gospel. Please bring your bible to either of the events and take the spiritual journey.
Mass for HaitiReminder: Whitefriar Street, Carmelite Church: will be dedicating their Sunday Mass for the People of Haiti, this Sunday the 24th January 4.00 pm. Please invite anyone you feel would like to be present. Our prayers go out to the people of Haiti at this time. We invite you to join in this special mass where we will offer prayers and shared input for the people of Haiti and their wellbeing.