Let everything that has breath praise God
International Day of Prayer
Written by the women of Cameroon5th of March 2010
Rathcoole Church at 7.30pm
(Thank you to our Adoration Group for facilitating us by moving their prayer to 6.30—7.30pm.)
Come along and join in prayer with our friends in the Church of Ireland and the throughout the world. Look forward to seeing you Friday.
The women of Cameroon tell us, "In the Cameroonian context people praise God even in and especially during difficult times in their lives. This is because generally we consider life to be God’s greatest gift to us. As long as one has breath, there is hope. So we sing in the hope that things will be better."
In this statement we become aware of the inseparable connection and creative interplay between two key words of the theme: breath and praise. While the mechanisms will vary among all the species that inhabit the earth, nonetheless, everything that is alive breathes.
Mostly we do not notice our breathing until we have difficulties. Then we say, “I need to catch my breath.” When we sing we use our breath to make music. When we are in acute pain, we cry out. Whatever sound we make, it is linked to our breath, to our very life which is a gift from God. In English the word praise has its root in the verb to prize, to value. Our sisters from Cameroon remind us that with every breath we renew the gift of life and for this we praise God.
Alpha: Is there more to Life than this?
Explore the meaning of life from a Christian perspective.
Every Thursday from 7.30-8.30pm Rathcoole Church. The format is simple: a short film, small group discussion, cup of tea. Alpha is a relaxed, low-key, friendly, enjoyable. So come along and explore the bigger picture
Envelope Collection
New envelopes for the coming year are available at the back of the church.
Please take your own or if your household does not have one, please take a free one.
This collection supports the Parish—your generosity is greatly appreciated.
St. Joseph's Young Priest Society
St Joseph’s Young Priest Society will have its monthly meeting on Friday in Rathcoole Church at 6.30.
All are welcome
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes (26th June—1st July)
To all those thinking of joining us on Pilgrimage. A 200e non-refundable deposit is required before the end of the month. It may be left into the Parish Office or the Sacristies. It is always a wonderful event, full of healing, fun and the presence of God. Full details are on the notice board. Forms are available in the Sacristies of the Churches and the Parish Office.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).
For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangilisation, evangelisatoin@dublindiocese.ie or at 018087538
Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553, taizedublin@gmail.com
International Day of Prayer
Written by the women of Cameroon5th of March 2010
Rathcoole Church at 7.30pm
(Thank you to our Adoration Group for facilitating us by moving their prayer to 6.30—7.30pm.)
Come along and join in prayer with our friends in the Church of Ireland and the throughout the world. Look forward to seeing you Friday.
The women of Cameroon tell us, "In the Cameroonian context people praise God even in and especially during difficult times in their lives. This is because generally we consider life to be God’s greatest gift to us. As long as one has breath, there is hope. So we sing in the hope that things will be better."
In this statement we become aware of the inseparable connection and creative interplay between two key words of the theme: breath and praise. While the mechanisms will vary among all the species that inhabit the earth, nonetheless, everything that is alive breathes.
Mostly we do not notice our breathing until we have difficulties. Then we say, “I need to catch my breath.” When we sing we use our breath to make music. When we are in acute pain, we cry out. Whatever sound we make, it is linked to our breath, to our very life which is a gift from God. In English the word praise has its root in the verb to prize, to value. Our sisters from Cameroon remind us that with every breath we renew the gift of life and for this we praise God.
Alpha: Is there more to Life than this?
Explore the meaning of life from a Christian perspective.
Every Thursday from 7.30-8.30pm Rathcoole Church. The format is simple: a short film, small group discussion, cup of tea. Alpha is a relaxed, low-key, friendly, enjoyable. So come along and explore the bigger picture
Envelope Collection
New envelopes for the coming year are available at the back of the church.
Please take your own or if your household does not have one, please take a free one.
This collection supports the Parish—your generosity is greatly appreciated.
St. Joseph's Young Priest Society
St Joseph’s Young Priest Society will have its monthly meeting on Friday in Rathcoole Church at 6.30.
All are welcome
Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes (26th June—1st July)
To all those thinking of joining us on Pilgrimage. A 200e non-refundable deposit is required before the end of the month. It may be left into the Parish Office or the Sacristies. It is always a wonderful event, full of healing, fun and the presence of God. Full details are on the notice board. Forms are available in the Sacristies of the Churches and the Parish Office.
Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize
The Office of Evangelisation have announced details of the Dublin Diocesan Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taize from 11th - 18th July 2010. Young adults are invited to join over two thousand other young Christians from around the world who come to this ecumenical monastery in Burgundy, France every week during the summer to experience the prayer and fellowship of the community founded by Brother Roger. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin will be taking part. Cost of return flight and coach transfers, meals and basic accommodation for the week is e440 (incl. taxes and insurance).
For further information contact: Ewelina at the Office of Evangilisation, evangelisatoin@dublindiocese.ie or at 018087538
Or Fr Damian McNeice, 018087553, taizedublin@gmail.com