Seeing your life through the lens of the gospels John 20:19-23
Jesus comes into a room full of fear. Sometimes it is fear itself that makes us close the door on others and on God. Occasionally a person comes along with the gift of breaking through our closed doors, a person who comes to be with us in our fears. Do you have memories of people getting through to you and being with you despite your closed doors? Who brought you peace in a time of anxiety?
Jesus showed his wounds to his friends. Moments of grace can occur when another shows us their vulnerable side, or when we do that with them. Let your memories speak of such experiences to you. John Byrne OSA (Intercom)
Blessing of the Graves
Cemetery Sunday will take place at 3.00pm on the 4th July. Mass in Saggart Church followed by the Blessing of the Graves (weather permitting).
The Gospel of Luke
You have got the Book—now come to know it better! Join us for the quiet, informal and informative reflection on the Gospel of Luke every second Thursday. Rathcoole Church at 7..30pm. See Notice Board for the next date.
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic adoration takes place every Friday between 7.30 and 8.30. It is a wonderful opportunity to spend some quiet time in the presence of God. You will be very welcome.
If you provide care to a family member, a friend or a neighbour you are invited to join us on Saturday 29th May from 10:30am-3:30pm in The Red House, Clonliffe College, Dublin 3. This is an opportunity for you to receive some care and to participate in the three workshops; Hand massage, Relaxation and Journaling. We will conclude with a Prayer Service. Please bring packed lunch, tea & coffee available.
Organised by: Dublin Diocese World Day of the Sick & Crosscare Carer Support Proramme. For further information and to book a place please contact Nora Kirrane 01 8360011
Corpus Christi
This year’s Diocesan Corpus Christi celebrations will be held in the grounds of Clonliffe College on June 3rd at 7.30pm. Please invite any representatives from your parish who are interested, particularly recent First Communicants to attend.
The evening will include representatives from many Diocesan agencies and organisations and lay groups. There will be music from the Diocesan Music group with the Dublin Brass ensemble. There will be particular emphasis on pastoral preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin 2012. Further information and resources, including prayers, homilies and music are available on and