Thursday 4 February 2021

"Thank You" to our outgoing Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and "Welcome" to our incoming Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Photo: John McElroy, Irish Independent, 2.2.2021  

"Hearing what the Spirit is saying to the churches is no easy matter. There is no infallible way.  But there is a clear way, a tried and trusted way. That way is a way with each other – slí le chéile.  The Church of the future, the living Church of the future, will [have to] be a synodal church, or it will not be at all. [. . . ] It is an illusion to envisage a plan of evangelisation which is carried out only by clergy while the rest of the faithful are merely onlookers. The mission of the Church, the work of God, is not just the responsibility of a group of professionals; it is the call and responsibility of every baptised person whose active participation in the mission of the Church is to be considered indispensable and necessary (Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, Ch. 2). [. . .] In this light, leadership in the Church is not about telling people what to do; rather it is about promoting co-responsibility and overcoming the mindset which runs the risk of relegating the baptised to a subordinate role, effectively keeping them on the edges of Church life. That is what we mean by a synodal Church—a church on the way with each other. The very first place synodality is expressed is at parish level. If it doesn’t happen in the parish, it will not happen at all!"

(From Archbishop Farrell's homily at Mass of Installation, St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, 2 February 2021. The full text of the homily may be read here.)