Thursday 8 July 2021

Share Your Thoughts!

"Archbishop Farrell has established a Task Force called Building Hope. The Task Force has been asked to begin with an assessment of the needs of the people of the Archdiocese emerging from Covid-19 and to work to support parish communities to undertake a radical renewal, looking to the future with creativity. Sharing your thoughts and experiences will be invaluable as we seek to enable the Archdiocese to act now so as to give effective witness and service in the years ahead.  Thank You".

The above is taken from the diocesan website here.  As a way to tapping into people's thoughts and experiences,  the Task Force invites us to fill in a  Questionnaire.  Even if we don't complete the questionnaire, some of the topics in it might prompt us to start thinking in ways that could benefit our own parish here, who knows, as we 'look to the future' in a hopeful and generous spirit. 

Deadline for completion of questionnaire: 18th July.