Monday 18 October 2021

Your views, please, on this website!

We are asking for your help & input as to how we improve, grow and tweak this valuable resource in service and support all our parishioners.

This website has been in operation since 2009. A report on the first five years was presented to the Parish Pastoral Council on 17 May 2016 by Donal McMahon, the webmaster at the time and still so today. Having reached the ten-year-plus milestone, the parish is now undertaking a second review, this time a public one. A questionnaire, both paper and online, has been made out by Frank Brown, Parish Pastoral Worker. Please communicate your views on this important topic, more important than ever before, as we saw during lock-down when so much interaction took place online. 

The questionnaire can be filled in online or on paper. The online version is HERE.  When you complete it, it goes automatically to the PPW who devised the form -- you don't need to email it. 

Paper copies have been left at the bottom of the churches and can be returned to the Parish Office. All returns should arrive by Thursday, 28th October.  

For any further information contact